BRICS gold-backed currency and the many issues that it needs to overcome. The main concern is, who do you trust to hold the gold?
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There are many ways to create a digital Free Market. We have plenty of digital marketplaces already. We just don't think in terms of trade. As for making "transactions" easy, you can use gold if you want. You can use whatever you want as intermediary that fits into the criteria I created before. For example, if you want to pay in "stock," if all stocks are tied to their own NFT, paying in stock is as easy as paying in [insert your favorite digital currency here]. If gold, silver, platinum, nickle, iron, copper, bismuth, etc. have storage places and are tied to similar digital currencies (1:1) with sufficient infrastructure that the digital can be turned into the actual in a reasonable way, then again, you can use your stores of those items as "currency" in digital transactions.
And this is just off the top of my head. You can use anything as intermediary that fits the criteria listed in my previous post.
But the finer details aren't really important (at this time). What's important is helping people to understand why they should care, because at the moment, they don't, exactly as they have been trained.
How difficult can that end up? Your mortgage company only wants gold, car loan is silver, water bill is grain, power bill is apples and on down the line of bills it goes