Nope, I'll say 99% of the people left behind supported America, very few were involved in the drug trade , we left people who helped us behind. And if anyone is friggin stupid enough to think this evacuation was thought out or executed correctly is blinded . Go back and watch the videos again. Sometimes I think people read way too much into this white hat thing. If we had as many white hats working we wouldn't have over 90 thousand children missing from the border. I'm sure they are not at some mountain hideaway or island somewhere. Though I wish they where.
I took time to piece this together for you, I hope you read it thoroughly.
First let me ask a few questions, where did you get the "99%" figure? Anderson Cooper? Mika Brzezinski?
Were you on the scene or did you have an insider in Afghanistan?
What videos are you speaking of? The only group saying we left good people behind were the mainstream media. How many times have you been told these people are the enemy?
We can only decipher the truth about incidents like this from the words of people we can trust. If you are unaware, Trump has historically communicated via speech patterns with double meanings and there is a cryptic message in many of the things he says.
Also remember, Trump negotiated the troop withdraw from Afghanistan in Feb 2020, mentioned in article below. The way the withdraw played out under Biden achieved the things that Trump talked about, eliminating drug revenue to the deep state and executing the drug traffickers.
Bush and Obama were sending $Billions of anti narcotic funding to Afghanistan and at the same time, production and cultivation are up, interdiction and eradication was down. Opium production increased from 180 tons per year to 9000 tons per year over a 20 year period.
Trump was talking about executing drug traffickers for 3 years before the troop removal from Afghanistan. If Trump planned on draining the swamp, he would have to eliminate their funding. Where did the deep state get most of its funding, drug trafficking. He was warning them 3 years in advance, your trafficking could get you killed.
March 20, 2018: President Donald Trump said Monday that one way his administration will combat the opioid crisis is by increasing criminal penalties, including seeking the death penalty for drug traffickers.
Remember the stories about dogs being left behind?
The Dogs of War, also known as Regiments of Renown, is a catch-all term used in the Old World to generally describe armies or bands of mercenaries from all across the Known World, fighting on behalf of anyone willing to pay their exorbitant prices.
How were these mercenaries being paid, anti narcotic funding from the US taxpayer.
The pullout of troops in Afghanistan was done in stages. Most of the troops were removed before the August 31 2021. There were only 2500 troops remaining at the end of August. Remember Biden was talking about removal in September and unexpectedly pulled out early.
This expected September pullout date of our military gave the CIA and their mercenaries a sense of security and they intended to stay as long as they could. The unexpected pullout on August 31st caught the CIA and their mercenaries off guard and they didn't have time to make it to the airport. They were left behind. Also, billions in military equipment was left to the Taliban, negotiated by Trump. This equipment was intentionally left behind so the Taliban could eradicate the drug traffickers, Trump warned them.
President Trump gave us clues about the Afghan pullout: Dog coms. Listen to what Trump says about these dogs, listen very closely.
Go here to the 1:10:00 mark, he talks about those dogs being left behind.
"Taliban doesn't like dogs" (drug trafficking mercenaries)
Remember the media was raging about Biden leaving Americans behind?
Do the media really care about Americans? Do the media really care about the military? The answer is "NO" to both. What they care about are their CIA assets.
I said at the time of the Afghan withdraw, the people being left were CIA agents who were controlling the poppy fields and running the drug trafficking out of Afghanistan.
Remember, Trump has talked about death penalty for all drug traffickers. When we pulled out of Afghanistan, CIA drug traffickers were left behind, the Taliban who were now armed with US weapons would have taken the CIA agents captive or killed them on the spot. Drug problem solved, revenue to the deep state eliminated, traffickers executed.
Nope, I'll say 99% of the people left behind supported America, very few were involved in the drug trade , we left people who helped us behind. And if anyone is friggin stupid enough to think this evacuation was thought out or executed correctly is blinded . Go back and watch the videos again. Sometimes I think people read way too much into this white hat thing. If we had as many white hats working we wouldn't have over 90 thousand children missing from the border. I'm sure they are not at some mountain hideaway or island somewhere. Though I wish they where.
I took time to piece this together for you, I hope you read it thoroughly.
First let me ask a few questions, where did you get the "99%" figure? Anderson Cooper? Mika Brzezinski?
Were you on the scene or did you have an insider in Afghanistan?
What videos are you speaking of? The only group saying we left good people behind were the mainstream media. How many times have you been told these people are the enemy?
We can only decipher the truth about incidents like this from the words of people we can trust. If you are unaware, Trump has historically communicated via speech patterns with double meanings and there is a cryptic message in many of the things he says.
Also remember, Trump negotiated the troop withdraw from Afghanistan in Feb 2020, mentioned in article below. The way the withdraw played out under Biden achieved the things that Trump talked about, eliminating drug revenue to the deep state and executing the drug traffickers.
We were occupying Afghanistan for 20 years. Why?
Here is a good article:
Taliban banned poppy production in 2019.
We invaded Afghanistan in 2001.
There was very high opium production in 2002.
Bush and Obama were sending $Billions of anti narcotic funding to Afghanistan and at the same time, production and cultivation are up, interdiction and eradication was down. Opium production increased from 180 tons per year to 9000 tons per year over a 20 year period.
Trump was talking about executing drug traffickers for 3 years before the troop removal from Afghanistan. If Trump planned on draining the swamp, he would have to eliminate their funding. Where did the deep state get most of its funding, drug trafficking. He was warning them 3 years in advance, your trafficking could get you killed.
March 20, 2018: President Donald Trump said Monday that one way his administration will combat the opioid crisis is by increasing criminal penalties, including seeking the death penalty for drug traffickers.
Remember the stories about dogs being left behind?
The Dogs of War, also known as Regiments of Renown, is a catch-all term used in the Old World to generally describe armies or bands of mercenaries from all across the Known World, fighting on behalf of anyone willing to pay their exorbitant prices.,to%20pay%20their%20exorbitant%20prices.
How were these mercenaries being paid, anti narcotic funding from the US taxpayer.
The pullout of troops in Afghanistan was done in stages. Most of the troops were removed before the August 31 2021. There were only 2500 troops remaining at the end of August. Remember Biden was talking about removal in September and unexpectedly pulled out early.
This expected September pullout date of our military gave the CIA and their mercenaries a sense of security and they intended to stay as long as they could. The unexpected pullout on August 31st caught the CIA and their mercenaries off guard and they didn't have time to make it to the airport. They were left behind. Also, billions in military equipment was left to the Taliban, negotiated by Trump. This equipment was intentionally left behind so the Taliban could eradicate the drug traffickers, Trump warned them.
President Trump gave us clues about the Afghan pullout: Dog coms. Listen to what Trump says about these dogs, listen very closely.
Go here to the 1:10:00 mark, he talks about those dogs being left behind.
"Taliban doesn't like dogs" (drug trafficking mercenaries)
Remember the media was raging about Biden leaving Americans behind?
Do the media really care about Americans? Do the media really care about the military? The answer is "NO" to both. What they care about are their CIA assets.
I said at the time of the Afghan withdraw, the people being left were CIA agents who were controlling the poppy fields and running the drug trafficking out of Afghanistan.
Remember, Trump has talked about death penalty for all drug traffickers. When we pulled out of Afghanistan, CIA drug traffickers were left behind, the Taliban who were now armed with US weapons would have taken the CIA agents captive or killed them on the spot. Drug problem solved, revenue to the deep state eliminated, traffickers executed.
Man , your fuckin nutz,