posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +69 / -0


This is not an assertion those of us on this board will find surprising, but if you're looking for beyond-detailed proof of malfeasance here -- going back to the early 1900s, obviously not regarding COVID specifically at that time but showing patterns of behavior -- this article is worth checking out.

Below, just the introduction to the article:

SOTN Editor’s Note: The following exhaustive investigative research report proves — BEYOND ANY DOUBT — that the COVID-19 Plandemic was, in fact, planned out over many decades within the highest echelons of the US government. It also confirms that an extremely powerful shadow government was directing every facet of the vast lobbying efforts and legislative processes necessary to pull off this ongoing crime wave against the American people. Which means that the barbarians have been inside the gate and operating freely at least since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

What makes this immense body of evidence so compelling is the extraordinary chronology of official governmental acts and essential legislation from start to finish. It’s as though the well-concealed perpetrators designed the perfect one-two punch to first knock down, and then knock out, the U.S. citizenry. The launch of the COVID-19 bioweapon was obviously the “first punch” which perfectly set up the weaponized Covid vaccine “second punch”.

This hard scientific evidence shows that, not only was the COVID-19 bioweapon meticulously bioengineered over several decades, it’s stealthy release was coordinated with several conspiring nations, especially throughout the Zio-Anglo-American Axis sphere of of influence. Clearly, the ultimate intention was the global administration of an exceedingly injurious and often lethal COVID-19 injection in order to depopulate planet Earth.

Of course, there are also volumes of highly authoritative data/info that demonstrate the explicit intent to commit genocide against the American people as well as against other traditionally white Christian nations. There’s only one global crime syndicate and malevolent secret society that possesses both the prodigious power and pervasive influence to carry out such a capital crime spree against all of humanity and effectively cover it up. See: The World Wars And All Other Cataclysmic Events Were Carried Out By THE TRIAD

In light of these highly consequential statements of historical fact supported with incriminating documentation, it’s absolutely imperative that every attorney working on this case be made aware of the covert “American Domestic Bioterrorism Program” delineated in great detail below. Therefore, we ask our great SOTN Patriots to post and send out this link everywhere and anywhere.

BOTTOM LINE: There’s no more definitive and legally airtight body of evidence that verifies a highly organized conspiratorial plot to perpetrate both mass murder and injury against the American people. Hence, every single injured and aggrieved party ought to be aware of this extensive and irrefutable report. Thank you for disseminating this vital report far and wide.