posted ago by Cat_Anon ago by Cat_Anon +27 / -0

Saint Billy Graham has a long history of being adored by leaders of both parties. Not one of them have spoken ill of him, and he has never spoken ill of any of them.

Fiona Barnett has screamed relentlessly that she when she was a young teen, she was raped by Ted Turner, Richard Nixon, and Billy Graham. These people are certainly not connected by their faith or politics, so if she invented this, why would she choose such an unrelated combination of people to accuse?

in 2005, Bill Clinton joined Billy Graham on the stage and Graham proudly announced he had been a democrat all his life. Whoa---was the reverend unaware the democrats are the party that has worshipped abortion for a long time?

Suddenly, in 2016, at around the age of 97, Graham has a turn of heart, and makes essentially comes out to support Donald Trump. It seems so uncharacteristic.

The white hats would have known evangelicals were very uncertain about mogul Donald Trump and would need such an endorsement.

Q said "We have it all." I imagine some white hats approaching Graham with a set of videos and say "hello Reverend. How would you like to keep your legacy in tact?"

Crazy? Possible?