You can buy gasoline with cash. It can be an anonymous transaction where nobody knows your Vaccine Status or Social Credit score. You can easily transport and store gasoline or diesel fuel.
You can't charge your car away from home with cash.
Your car has a software system that's always connected to the internet. They don't need to watch your charging to mess with you. They can remotely do whatever they want to the car.
Tesla's been known to "downgrade" cars remotely before. Who cares about charging when they can just tell the car to keep you under 15 mi with a remote update.
Your car has a software system that's always connected to the internet.
My car does. My truck doesn't.
It seems like if they start using the internet connectivity of cars to control people, then people will destroy the modems. If cars won't operate with out it, then people won't buy those cars. It would be difficult law to pass that cars have to have internet access. That is a much trickier control mechanism than turning off charging stations.
People would get much more upset if their car that they paid for refuses to do car things, than if the charging station refuses to charge.
It would be difficult law to pass that cars have to have internet access.
It'd be pretty easy. They're already trying to backdoor this through insurance programs. Combine this with ALPRs and automatic expiration of your registration, they can make this a massive hassle.
People would get much more upset if their car that they paid for refuses to do car things, than if the charging station refuses to charge.
I don't think so. You paid for the car. You didn't pay for the charging station.
They are very different.
If they started disabling privately owned vehicles people would figure out a way around it. The people own the cars, so the government can't prevent it. The charging stations are a whole different thing. We can't do anything about that.
The push for EV's is quite simple.
You can buy gasoline with cash. It can be an anonymous transaction where nobody knows your Vaccine Status or Social Credit score. You can easily transport and store gasoline or diesel fuel.
You can't charge your car away from home with cash.
Gasoline engines power farming.
If you get rid of them you destroy farming.
Your car has a software system that's always connected to the internet. They don't need to watch your charging to mess with you. They can remotely do whatever they want to the car.
Tesla's been known to "downgrade" cars remotely before. Who cares about charging when they can just tell the car to keep you under 15 mi with a remote update.
My car does. My truck doesn't.
It seems like if they start using the internet connectivity of cars to control people, then people will destroy the modems. If cars won't operate with out it, then people won't buy those cars. It would be difficult law to pass that cars have to have internet access. That is a much trickier control mechanism than turning off charging stations.
People would get much more upset if their car that they paid for refuses to do car things, than if the charging station refuses to charge.
Fair points.. but..
It'd be pretty easy. They're already trying to backdoor this through insurance programs. Combine this with ALPRs and automatic expiration of your registration, they can make this a massive hassle.
The two are one in the same.
I don't think so. You paid for the car. You didn't pay for the charging station.
They are very different.
If they started disabling privately owned vehicles people would figure out a way around it. The people own the cars, so the government can't prevent it. The charging stations are a whole different thing. We can't do anything about that.