UPDATE! Sound of Freedom….a whopping… 🐳
$85,498,581 🐳 🐳 🐳. 🤩 WOW!!!!!!
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Went and watched it with my wife, MIL, SIL, and a friend of my MIL for their birthday. To say that the movie was awesome, is an understatement. The theater was packed and I was able to redpill my MIL and wife on some of the things that we know about that goes on with those children trafficked to Hollywood and the elite. More people are awake than yesterday and more will be awakened than today, tomorrow. This movie and the special message after the credits, brought everything home for those that are not up to date with the fight anons have known about. Qanon conspiracy they say. I say if it’s against child sex trafficking, then I’m all about Qanon.