shoelessjoetara 1 point ago +1 / -0

Put him in general population. The rest will be taken care of by the rest of the population with him!!

shoelessjoetara 2 points ago +2 / -0

All he is doing is trying to use is the sympathy card that nobody has for him. Look at the amount of people at that gathering of lies. Doing what he is trying to do won’t persuade any votes. He is only trying to keep the ones he may still have.

shoelessjoetara 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is there report or video of him saying this? If he did, the bastard should be hung!!

shoelessjoetara 6 points ago +6 / -0

Who knew that lying about your political rivals, to the American public, to remain in power would have backlash? Treasonous scum!!

shoelessjoetara 8 points ago +8 / -0

If they would only state facts instead of opinions that lead to defamation, people would listen to the MSM. The lies they have told and shit they have tried to make people believe, has consequences. People are sick and tired of the bullshit.

shoelessjoetara 3 points ago +3 / -0

God Bless her. President DJT is the one who got me to believe that our government was as corrupt as I think it is now. His relentless pursuit of taking down the swamp has personally given me the attitude to stand up for what I believe in.

shoelessjoetara 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not a dime of that money will be paid. This will backfire on those involved in this ridiculous scam. Trump will appeal and counter sue everyone involved for defamation.

shoelessjoetara 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t think it matters who they run. It’s the deepstate that will be outed. If it’s Michelle, lots of info will come out about Obama. She will not have the support they think she will have. They also have another little problem that could expose all of the deepstate, Kamala. She ain’t going anywhere without a fight. Outside of California, Newsome is hated. They need a candidate that can handle Trump and that ain’t any of those three..

shoelessjoetara 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wasn’t about saving any of those elections. People needed to wake up and see corruption for themselves. It will get worse before November. Trump is holding all the cards. We want Biden as the nominee. Trust the plan.

shoelessjoetara 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree, single issue bills is all we need. Not bill should be 1k pages and have needs for doing one thing if another is also agreed upon. Fox the border. Cut and dry to the point. We will THINK about sending money you need if we feel like it!!

shoelessjoetara 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is no doubt a reason it’s brought up. If the media mentions it to bad mouth Trump, boom, the media talks about it and gets people to start asking questions.

shoelessjoetara 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nobody really cares about either one of them. Anyone short of Jesus Christ endorsing, pedo Joe will change anyone’s mind of how shitty a person he is. Everyone with an ounce of integrity can see the hypocrisy going on in our country. No Hollywood elite or professional singer or sports star will change that.

shoelessjoetara 1 point ago +1 / -0

But why does it have to be a specific month? My point is that, in its own underlying way, still pushes racial divide. It makes blacks feel like they are still being racially discriminated against. It should be 12 months to celebrate ALL AMERICANS. If that isn’t good enough, tough shit. It’s pandering in a way. It’s a constant reminder of history just like the statues that were torn down

shoelessjoetara 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is basically the story of all the Trump haters. They can’t understand why he would run for president. They get their Trump hate, talking points from the news, and when asked for facts, they can’t give one. Those people, haven’t asked the right questions yet. They are still looking at what is pushed to try to make their thought process OK. 91 indictments, must be a bad person. Twice impeached must be a bad president. Rape allegations, must be a criminal. But what they need to be asking, why does he keep moving foward after these things fall apart? Why is more things thrown at him? When they start asking that and the answers start to show the real truth, then they wake up. Our government hates us, Trump is just protecting us!!

shoelessjoetara 4 points ago +4 / -0

That’s how you know we, as a country are no longer respected. Pedo Joe draws a line in the sand, it’s crossed and then draws another. What a moron.

shoelessjoetara 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do we have to know that they have done something. Could be things done behind the scenes that aren’t publicized, to catch the people committing fraud.

shoelessjoetara 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have been of the assumption that we would not have a 2024 election. Pedo Joe will not step down and Trump will beat him so they have to do something to try to hold power.

shoelessjoetara 6 points ago +6 / -0

Trump was the first one to say that massive fraud would happen in the 2020 election by mail in ballots. He called it well in advance before mail in voting was even thought of. I read about a scenario where those in our own government would cause a mass event that would affect our elections about 2 years before Covid even showed its face. Now, even the naysayers are saying that Trump will win the 2024 election. They know what we have always known, NCSWIC. We must not get complacent though, but, Trump will make everything ok once back in the White House!!

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