More nations rolling out digital IDs and making them mandatory for citizens to access bank accounts
The nation of Ethiopia has announced it will make the transition to mandatory digital IDs for all citizens, with the chief enforcement tool being the major banks. Using a World Bank-supported digital ID system with standards also approved by an eight-natio...
This is coming very quickly. Be prepared, dear friend.
I am still working so I just wished my employers would deposit bitchoin for me instead. Maybe they will.
I can definitely trade. That should be good for me. Trading works for me.
Amen to that and also, pray. God takes care of us.
Maybe we will create our own cash.
If they're going to abuse the privilege, it can be removed.
Shop locally owned businesses.
Mandatory bank cards, mandatory health cards, mandatory firearms id, mandatory id’s to travel, but NO mandatory id to vote.
You got it.
Don't need a digital ID for a Bitcoin wallet
Amen to that fact. I have both hot/cold. Like the hot one better. Easier to use.
I am very surprised that China is not part of this.