I learned it from several posts here and there was no calling the claim out by pedes. I used the search thing to try and find these posts, but nada came up. Does anyone have this info?
I just did a quick internet search. Lots of articles claiming this, including snopes. Snopes says it's untrue, so the chances it is actually true are fair to good. Also, Melania is smarter than I, and it's assuredly something I would do right after the search for cameras and microphones.
I'm thinking that Nancy Reagan did a similar thing - perhaps not a Catholic exorcism, but some sort of ritual to clear the negative energy from the place.
Excellent reason Melania had the place exorcized before moving in.
did she actually do that? I would like to know more
I learned it from several posts here and there was no calling the claim out by pedes. I used the search thing to try and find these posts, but nada came up. Does anyone have this info?
I just did a quick internet search. Lots of articles claiming this, including snopes. Snopes says it's untrue, so the chances it is actually true are fair to good. Also, Melania is smarter than I, and it's assuredly something I would do right after the search for cameras and microphones.
I'm thinking that Nancy Reagan did a similar thing - perhaps not a Catholic exorcism, but some sort of ritual to clear the negative energy from the place.