I believe the Bin Laden persona was C_A created during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. He was used to smuggle stinger missiles and other weaponry through Pakistan for the mujahedin. So in that sense OBL was a C_A operative. The Chevy Chase/ Dan Akroyd movie 'Spies Like Us' kinda played off this theme. At the time, I was into spy novels and there were a few using this as an area of action with OBL like characters.
I dont think he ran to Afghanistan either. He was probably in Iran, Saudi and/or Pakistan. Navy Seals didnt kill him, he was probably already dead from chronic kidney disease and I believe the Obama cash giveaway to Iran was to keep them quiet. The tale about dumping his remains in the ocean is laughable. Public enemy number one and no proof you killed him? They really do think we are dumb. You will find a great case of treason against Obama here (there are many).
I havent delved into his connections with the Bush family but his family was wealthy Saudis in oil field construction so I dont dismiss the possibility -- nor the likelihood.
The Tim Osman photos always look fake to me though, but again I dont dismiss the possibility that he spent some time here in disguise. One of those animated shows, perhaps South Park or Family Guy, had an episode where they had a theory OBL was hiding out in America disguised as a businessman. Their search was fruitless but the closing scene shows him working in an office full of cubicles in disguise. We all know about predictive programming.
I believe the Bin Laden persona was C_A created during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. He was used to smuggle stinger missiles and other weaponry through Pakistan for the mujahedin. So in that sense OBL was a C_A operative. The Chevy Chase/ Dan Akroyd movie 'Spies Like Us' kinda played off this theme. At the time, I was into spy novels and there were a few using this as an area of action with OBL like characters.
I dont think he ran to Afghanistan either. He was probably in Iran, Saudi and/or Pakistan. Navy Seals didnt kill him, he was probably already dead from chronic kidney disease and I believe the Obama cash giveaway to Iran was to keep them quiet. The tale about dumping his remains in the ocean is laughable. Public enemy number one and no proof you killed him? They really do think we are dumb. You will find a great case of treason against Obama here (there are many).
I havent delved into his connections with the Bush family but his family was wealthy Saudis in oil field construction so I dont dismiss the possibility -- nor the likelihood.
The Tim Osman photos always look fake to me though, but again I dont dismiss the possibility that he spent some time here in disguise. One of those animated shows, perhaps South Park or Family Guy, had an episode where they had a theory OBL was hiding out in America disguised as a businessman. Their search was fruitless but the closing scene shows him working in an office full of cubicles in disguise. We all know about predictive programming.