"He needs to take his security with a sense of urgency".
Since Trumps focus on " his security" has been legendary since the early 80s, fretfuls will hopefully start viewing these concerns as an invitation to take their security and our nations security with a greater "sense of urgency".
Once that happens these fears that focus on what others need to do can be transformed into figuring out what they will do each day then doing those things.
This transformation is a key reason for the Q and Q+' drops op.
"He needs to take his security with a sense of urgency".
Since Trumps focus on " his security" has been legendary since the early 80s, fretfuls will hopefully start viewing these concerns as an invitation to take their security and our nations security with a greater "sense of urgency".
Once that happens these fears that focus on what others need to do can be transformed into figuring out what they will do each day then doing those things.
This transformation is a key reason for the Q and Q+' drops op.