Early this week, I was challenged to provide a summary essay of the strong evidence against Andrew Tate that says he did commit Human-Sex-Trafficking. After four days of writing and researching and more writing, the essay is complete for your consumption.
-The Basics:
To lay down some foundation to this essay, I shall be using the AMP Model to determine if Andrew Tate has committed Human-Sex-Trafficking. The AMP model is defined in this PDF here and is pretty consistent with all applicable international legal standards. To quote the PDF, in case you cannot open it up:
The Action-Means-Purpose (AMP) Model is a device used to illustrate and articulate the federal definition of a “victim of severe forms of trafficking in persons,” contained in 22 USC §7102(8). For the corresponding criminal offenses, see 18 USC Chapter 77.
Human trafficking occurs when a perpetrator, often referred to as a trafficker, takes any one of the enumerated Actions, and then employs the Means of force, fraud or coercion for the Purpose of compelling the victim to provide commercial sex acts or labor or services.
At a minimum, one element from each column (on the table in the PDF) must be present to establish a potential situation of human trafficking. The presence of force, fraud or coercion indicates that the victim has not consented of his or her own free will.
Remember that under federal law, any minor under the age of 18 years induced into commercial sex is considered to be a victim of sex trafficking— regardless of any indicators of force, fraud, or coercion.
In addition, I will be referencing credible videos from other social media networks that support my claims. For videos that are rather big, I will put timestamps to the relevent parts. Also included in the evidence bank are official documentation with evidence that have been released by the Romanian authorities for public consumption.
-P = Purpose:
To start proving that Andrew Tate very probably, almost certainly, have committed Human-Sex-Trafficking, let's start with the easiest item to prove: purpose. Did Andrew Tate undertaken his actions with the Purpose of compelling the victim to provide commercial sex acts or labor or services?
The answer is yes, especially with regards to the part about providing commercial sex acts. Andrew Tate has committed his actions to force women to do commercial sex acts for his monetary gain, and we can gain all of that from his own words that are recorded on video, some of which are listed below:
“...To work on webcam for me... And that’s how I got rich.” (Time Stamp 0:22)
Also backing up the accusations are text-messages. This PDF is a transcribed order of the court, and within the document are transcripts of text messages retrieved from the phones of the victims, Andrew Tate, and his criminal co-defendants. Page 35 have some text-messages between one of the victims and Andrew Tate, with Andrew Tate outright confessing that the girls that the victim is staying with work on OnlyFans and TikTok pornographic content, and are generating significant amounts of money.
These pieces of evidence and more proves that Andrew Tate and his accomplices are committed their crimes and actions to force women to do commercial sex acts for their monetary gain, fulfilling the Purpose part of the AMP method. And from the dates on those transcripts, they are still committing these crimes up until several months ago when they are first arrested. It is likely that if they are not arrested at that time, then this crime will continue onward for a very long while...
I want to pay special attention to a very significant lie that Andrew Tate spouted during his interview with Tucker Carlson: the lie that he is being charged for “recruiting girls to make TikTok videos, and stealing money from the TikTok views.” From his videos, we know that he has done far more than just TikTok videos. He has a pornographic webcam business and last time I checked, TikTok is not readily considered to be a “pornographic webcam business”. From the transcripts, we know that he also have his girls do OnlyFans videos, and OnlyFans is practically a pornographic video site nowadays. In fact, the TikTok video part is practically only used to help advertise the more hardcore stuff, which is not on TikTok itself. This lines up with that I have read long ago: most pornographic businesses and sex workers do not place their main content on TikTok; they mainly use it as an advertising tool to lure people off the website and into their “juicy content” websites.
-A = Action, M = Means, and the Loverboy Method
The other two parts of the AMP model are Action and Means. Did Andrew Tate take any one of the enumerated Actions in that PDF’s chart to obtain or acquire women to compel into providing commercial sex labor? Did Andrew Tate employed the Means of force, fraud or coercion to compel into providing commercial sex labor? The answer to both is yes.
The two videos I have listed above have Andrew Tate confess on video that he recruited or induced women and girls into his monsters’ lair by seducing them on social media, making them feel that they have something special going between the two of them. He even mentioned “obtaining” by name during the second video. These confessions are backed up with witness testimonies and electronic communication transcripts obtained by the Romanian authorities and listed in the transcribed order of the court, whose PDF I have linked above. This is proof that Andrew Tate fulfilled the “Action” portion of the AMP model.
While the two videos listed above barely touched on the Means portion of the AMP model (that is admittedly debatable; maybe someone one else would see it better, and I might see it better after I am DE-stressed from this week’s stresses), the witness testimonies and electronic communication transcripts much better explain how Andrew Tate and his associated lured women over to their clutches via lies and fraudulent promises of marriage and family-creation, fulfilling the Means portion of the AMP model. Several times throughout that document, it was described that many of Andrew Tate’s victims were promised by Andrew Tate that they would get married and start a family in a foreign land, only to be then groomed into sex-work, reinforced by Andrew Tate and his accomplices emotionally manipulating the victims and sometimes committing or threatening acts of violence against them. All of this more than adequately fulfills the Means portion of the AMP model.
I want to shine special attention to the “loverboy method”. During his interview with Tucker Carlson, Andrew Tate said that the loverboy method is “just being nice to girls”. However, he is either being obtuse or untruthful when he said that. Per this [website]:(https://www.carlsonattorneys.com/news-and-update/loverboy-andrew-tate)
The loverboy method involves a pimp, sex trafficker, or abuser targeting vulnerable, poor, and often young women with the impression of creating a romantic relationship. The loverboy will seduce the girls with kind gestures, love bombing, attention, and gifts. Everything about the relationship seems too good to be true. These people will try to make their victims believe that they can offer them a better life. They are deceived, only to be sexually exploited and abused later on.
In the two videos linked above, Andrew Tate describes his methods, which is pretty much textbook “Loverboy Method”. In addition, there is a third video where Andrew Tate also described his methods in greater detail, and self-incriminate himself as a user of the “Loverboy Method”. The court order’s annotated transcripts of the electronic communications help back up what was reported in the videos...
I want to make a special note about one of the girls Andrew Tate trafficked. From this video clip, Andrew Tate was talking about the girls in his possession. In that clip, Andrew Tate mentioned that one of the girls is “working” for him and within his webcam business for six years and she is now 21 years old. Doing some simple math shows that the girl is fifteen and a minor when she started, very probably sexual-in-nature, work for Andrew Tate. Per the AMP model PDF, the requirements to prove the means part of the model is wavered if a minor has been sex trafficked. That means Andrew Tate is very probably guilty of sex-trafficking this particular girl…
When all of this analysis and evidence is reviewed as a whole, then it is very probable, almost a certainty, that Andrew Tate and his accomplices has committed human-sex-trafficking...
-Concluding thoughts
Somewhat off-topic from the discussion to determine if Human-Sex-Trafficking has taken place, there is another special note I want to mention: I have learned that, recently, Andrew Tate’s more hardcore fans have taken a screen shot of some of the officially-released witnesses’ testimonies that paints a damning picture of Andrew Tate’s crimes, cropped and chopped up the testimony so it looks like the victims attempted to frame Andrew Tate, and tried to pass off the altered screenshots as the genuine items. Aside the absolutely disgusting nerve of them to attempt to lie and deceive like this to influence all of us, the plan would not work since it is easy to look up the original transcripts and testimonies, and see the whole picture.
You might be asking: why? Why I am so focused and intense about this issue with Andrew Tate? Well, as I have noted in the past few days, Andrew Tate is regarded a bit fondly by the majority within the MAGA, Q, and GAW social networks and influencers, including Catturd and il Donaldo Trumpo, two of the biggest influencers on Truth Social. I also get the feeling that the wider MAGA-body population is not that aware of the crimes Andrew Tate has committed. However, we, as of the semi-recent past, have become pretty hostile to human-trafficking of all kinds, especially of minors, to the point where movies that are hostile to human-trafficking, like the Sound of Freedom, are winning big over the groomer movies.
The hypocrisy our group as a whole seem to demonstrate is plain to see, and it is not lost to people who are outside the MAGA, Q, and GAW network. While nothing can stop what is coming, it can be indefinitely stalled for a long time if we take the wrong actions. I am really really concerned that Andrew Tate's human trafficking crimes, and the conservatives/MAGA/Q/GAW hypocrisy in "tolerating" his crimes while going after others like Epstein for the exact same crimes Andrew Tate committed will be our doom if we do not separate and disavow Andrew Tate from our midst…
Final thoughts: It would be wise to vet, exhaustively, our personal heroes and celebrities before we stand up and fight for them. Also, the enemy or our enemies are not always someone whom we want as our friend.
He’s a Muslim that drinks alcohol and says to escape the matrix by buying overpriced cars. Can’t trust anything he says IMO