This is a little long but I think you will like it. Complete rundown of the people attempting to overthrow the United Staes of America.
We all remember the Sword Dance that President Trump received in Saudi Arabia. I think Jared Kushner went to SA with evidence of an attempted SA overthrow of the USA. I have heard this sword dance incident meant that President Trump had seized control over SA.
Q talked about Saudi Arabia on several occasions. I always thought that the Saudia Arabian arrests in 2017 was related to child trafficking, however, in several posts where Q talks about the Saudi Arabian arrests, Q does not talk about child trafficking. These specific Q posts centers more around political influence in the United States.
First lets look at post 70.
Q says: Safe harbor? Port of transfer?
In the past I thought these comments was in reference to child trafficking. Instead, I think this might be in reference to the one plane that took off headed to Saudi Arabia on the day of 9/11.
If you look at Q post 67 it says:
What happened shortly after 9-11 (specifically with all aircraft)?
Who was authorized to depart? ONLY 1 PLANE was authorized during this 'mandatory forced grounding'.
Who SPECIFICALLY authorized this?
Remember, Bush was President at the time, he was a big oil man and he had strong ties to Saudi Arabia. Bush was very close to the Obama's, have you seen Bush handing Michelle a piece of candy each time he sees her? It is said, it is the same type of candy he used to give to Obama when Obama was a young boy.
Getting back to Q post 70, Q mentions donations to Clinton Foundation, John M Institute, Pelosi Foundation.
"What other bad actors have been paid by SA (bribed)(Not just D's)?"
"Why did the Bush family recently come out against POTUS?"
"These, the crumbs, in time, will equate to the biggest drops ever disclosed in our history."
Now lets look at Q post 111.
Here we find Q talking about Huma and Muslim Brotherhood.
Q asks this same question twice:
"Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?"
Who is Q talking about with this quote? Q said it was important!
He is referring to Obama.
Q asks: Who was arrested in SA?
Here is your answer:
Saudi Arabia Arrests 11 Princes, Including Billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal
"Was the former President of the United States groomed to be Command in Chief?
Is this possible?
Is the US political / election system corrupt?
Who owns poll machines?
Why is this relevant?
They never thought she would lose."
Before we begin, do you know who had the responsibility to vet Obama as a eligible Presidential candidate? Answer: Nancy Pelosi. She was speaker of the house and head of the Democrat party. It was her responsibility to look at Obama as a legitimate / eligible candidate to the US Presidency. (donations to Pelosi Foundation)
President Trump drove the controversy with Obama's birth certificate. Trump knew Obama was not eligible to be President and this explains Pelosi's fervor against Trump. Nancy was an accomplice to Obama's illegitimate Presidency and the Islamic / Saudi Arabian coup against our country.
I think this SA coup was passed down through the Bush administration and placed in Obama's lap.
Here is a article I found archived on Wayback Machine from Western Journalism.
Obama has been associated with 25 different social security numbers at 16 different addresses.
The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues
It is said, Obama launched his political career at the home of the most famous of ’60s radicals, Bill Ayers. Bill Ayers was the leader of the Weather Underground militant group, described by the FBI as a terrorist group.
Many have described Valarie Jarrett as a former advisor for Barack Obama. But their relationship runs way deeper than that and actually starts with his (man) wife Michelle.
In 1991, Jarrett was the deputy chief of staff to Mayor Richard Daley, when she interviewed a young woman named Michelle Robinson for an opening in the mayor’s office.
Jarrett reportedly took the couple under her wing and introduced them to a wealthier and better-connected Chicago than their own.
Look here at the connections Valerie had within the city of Chicago.
Valerie B. Jarrett served as Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
Obama claimed he was a Christian. No, Obama messed up here and tried to recover quickly.
"What I was suggesting — you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith",28804,1887005_1887004_1841629,00.html
Al Mansour, Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq helped Obama find funding for his law school education at Harvard. Some of his books he wrote were named: The Destruction of Western Civilization as Seen Through Islam, Will the West Rule Forever and The Challenges of Spreading Islam in America. He’s been criticized for his racial separatism and anti-Westernism.
I think Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq connected Obama to Prince Al Waleed.
Video evidence:
Obama in college with Prince Al Waleed. (4 chan archive)
Here is a larger pic of the of Obama with Prince Al Waleed.
Here is a site that provides a wealth of information on Prince Al Waleed.
Also, It gives a complete list of Obama's political allies that covertly groomed and ushered Obama into the Presidency of the USA.
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and trusts for his benefit hold major business investments in Citigroup, Carlyle Group (a company backed by an awful lot of bin Laden connected money), Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co Inc, McDonald`s Corp, Apple Computer Inc., Motorola, AOL Time Warner, Saks Inc., EuroDisney and Walt Disney Company, the Teledesic satellite venture. Also, In April 2009, Prince Waleed bin Talal donated $20 million to Harvard University.
You also see Prince Al Waleed is a major stake holder of many of our mainstream media outlets.
Here is a 2015 tweet from Prince Al Waleed to Donald Trump.
You are a disgrace not only to the GOP but to all America.
Withdraw from the U.S presidential race as you will never win.
I think there was a coordinated effort to overthrow the USA that started with Bush, handed to Obama and should have finished up under Hillary Clinton. (Clinton Foundation donations?)
Obama, Bush and Hillary are dead center in this treasonous coup.
Trump has said, I caught the swamp.
Q has said, we have it all.
Q posts early on talked about the Saudi Arabian arrests, the sword dance signifies success. The evidence about 9/11 is wrapped in to this.
Say a prayer tonight and thank God for President Trump and Q.
Have a good day!!
33rd floor huh? They love that number don't they?