Blah, blah, blah....talking, talking and more talking. When is someone gonna place an arrest indictment in front of Uncle Joe and trot him off to jail? Until that happens nothing will change. Maybe get someone from the DC police department to trip over to the White House with a piece of paper and some handcuffs? This ain't rocket science. It's only the law and DC is full of lawyers. Why is every lawyer acting like a piece of feckless dog crap? DO YOUR JOBS, OFFICIALS OF DC, BEGIN ARRESTING KEY PLAYERS IN THIS DRAMA.
Saw this last night. Seems their major purpose was to tell MSM to report on child trafficking. As per Reps, all talk no action. This has gotta stop NOW.
Blah, blah, blah....talking, talking and more talking. When is someone gonna place an arrest indictment in front of Uncle Joe and trot him off to jail? Until that happens nothing will change. Maybe get someone from the DC police department to trip over to the White House with a piece of paper and some handcuffs? This ain't rocket science. It's only the law and DC is full of lawyers. Why is every lawyer acting like a piece of feckless dog crap? DO YOUR JOBS, OFFICIALS OF DC, BEGIN ARRESTING KEY PLAYERS IN THIS DRAMA.
Blah blah blah plus eat your bugs and take the CBDC worthless dollar.
This shits all theatrics... Let us know when more billionaires backing Biden are wacked.
Begin arresting ALL players in these CRIMES!!
When it happens, leftists will still be shocked and riot.
Saw this last night. Seems their major purpose was to tell MSM to report on child trafficking. As per Reps, all talk no action. This has gotta stop NOW.
All talk and no action. The whole lot of them needs replacing.
I almost agree 100% with what he said, just that the most corrupt and evil people are in our government.
Why does the GOP use trafficking children? Are they afraid of saying slavery? Or does their masters say that word is not to be used?