It's not about what is happening in Ukraine that's their fear. If they really wanted to, they'd probably be able to activate a lot of resources across the world.
They are busily trying to get us to accept and campaign for that war as righteous against Russia.
They need us to agree with stamping out Russia, or they know that we will be at the doors of their bunkers in force across the world.
We know who many of them are. That is dangerous to their future power. That's why disrupting their propaganda machine has been so effective every step of the way.
It's not about what is happening in Ukraine that's their fear. If they really wanted to, they'd probably be able to activate a lot of resources across the world.
They are busily trying to get us to accept and campaign for that war as righteous against Russia.
They need us to agree with stamping out Russia, or they know that we will be at the doors of their bunkers in force across the world.
We know who many of them are. That is dangerous to their future power. That's why disrupting their propaganda machine has been so effective every step of the way.