U.S. Sending Marines, More Warships to Middle East Over Iranian Threats - USNI News
The U.S. is sending two amphibious warships and thousands of Marines to the Middle East to bolster regional security after Iranian forces threatened commerce in and out of the Persian Gulf, the Pentagon announced Thursday. Amphibious warship USS Bataan (LH...
Cool, we can be at war with Russia, China, and Iran all at once!
Remember when liberals used to PROTEST war?
Now they ARE war.
Axis vs Allies - World War Part Trois
HAHA I have that game!
I used to play as a kid. Takes forever to set up.
I just don't understand how the cabal thinks they will survive a war with what is happening in ukraine. They have thrown everything at Russia and nothing is working. We have thrown away so many resources. You won't survive nuclear war in your bunker or mega yacht.
It's not about what is happening in Ukraine that's their fear. If they really wanted to, they'd probably be able to activate a lot of resources across the world.
They are busily trying to get us to accept and campaign for that war as righteous against Russia.
They need us to agree with stamping out Russia, or they know that we will be at the doors of their bunkers in force across the world.
We know who many of them are. That is dangerous to their future power. That's why disrupting their propaganda machine has been so effective every step of the way.
This is where you're missing their plan.
They don't want "US" to survive their war. They WANT us to lose. When the US falls - the constitution goes with it.
As far as legislation goes - the constitution is the only thing that protects the US in ways that every other nation on earth has fallen to already.
On top of that - they are in a zero sum situation. They either need the US to go down and the US to lose/constitution with it - OR - they are going down with the ship.
If the US comes out surviving in anyway, all of these cabal types are dead ducks, and they know it. The are rabid animals cornered.
They win - or they die.
There is no logical in between - there is no "ok, ok - we give up!"
And to be frank - these are the terms for us too. If we lose - we're toast (as far as this world is concerned).
DJT once said that it would all come down to something as simple as the turn of a card, the cliffhanger of all time.
God wins, never fear.
what's their plan B? give up and get the traitors treatment?
In war, you can give someone all the weapons they want but without proper training and discipline they are certain to lose. A mortar, stinger, even a rifle is worthless in hands not trained to use them, and without discipline some turn and run at the first sign of battle leaving an immediate opening in the ranks.
THAT my fren, is what we are witnessing in Ukraine with Zelensky forcing men into uniform and sending them to the front lines with only a couple weeks of training.
They think that because of open checkbook from US
We haven't seen a drop in the bucket of what they are going to give to Ukraine
All the BRICS nations it would seem
Maybe those are already freed? Just spit balling here kek
"Do not fear to fight, for we are made of violence. Alas, we are already the victor, as it is peace we seek."
-- Operations Motto