- Trump University
- “He’s a Russian patsy”, or something to that effect.
- He said nazis were very fine people. (This one I already have a quality rebuttal for.)
- His Atlantic City casino and unpaid contractors.
- Sexual battery (if they’re being kind) or just rape (if the TDS is severe).
I just want to be able to say, “Well, actually…” when someone says one of these things to me. Anyone got suggestions?
I probably wouldn't bother with most of these people. They have decided they want to dislike the man, and then choose the reason that feels best to give. People like this simply aren't thinking on our level yet. Are they Trump voters? You can dislike a person but still think he would make a good president just as much as you can really like a person but NOT think he'd make a good one.
For some of the people who dislike him for business reasons, you can point out some statistics about how few start up businesses actually are successful and how many "misses" even the most successful people make. How come he actually lost money as president, yet average no name senators become millionaires off a 150,000 a year job?
I dunno, good luck with this. I choose to not really engage with people anymore about this really base-level shit.