As amusing as this is, what we're missing is that this is the first time content from the laptop has actually been SHOWN in the House and thus to the world at large. What MTG has done is basically validated its existence (because most would still have you believe it doesn't). And we all know that what she's showing here is the tip of the iceberg of the utter filth and depravity that's on it.
Say what you want about MTG but this was a good move.
As amusing as this is, what we're missing is that this is the first time content from the laptop has actually been SHOWN in the House and thus to the world at large. What MTG has done is basically validated its existence (because most would still have you believe it doesn't). And we all know that what she's showing here is the tip of the iceberg of the utter filth and depravity that's on it.
Say what you want about MTG but this was a good move.
Yes, 100%