Before, the only people that knew of Q were my super liberal brother, and my other brother who works in military intelligence. Otherwise no one else in my rather large family knew or even heard of Q.
Well this is all changing. The media is blasting "Sound of Freedom" for being "QAnon adjacent," and it's everywhere: Fox, CNN, NBC, social media, and I believe even places like Vox and Rolling Stone. I even see it in non-news sources like r/boxoffice.
Why is this important?
Because although we know QAnon is the fed labeling of it, the fact of the matter stands: if Q is real, then when it comes time to reveal to the wider public, they will have at least the seed of "QAnon" planted. And it will become our duty to water and care for those seeds.
And I know this is true because my girlfriend, who used to be very liberal, has been asking "what is this QAnon stuff and why is the media attacking Sound of Freedom?". Recently, I was able to redpill about vaccines and the left pushing trans stuff to kids, but Q was just too outlandish for her to grasp. I know this because I'd drop little "conspiracy theories" like the Titanic and the Fed, but she'd get bored.
So cue Q: I recently took her to see Sound of Freedom, and it had a profound impact on her. She actually broke down after the movie ended, to the point that I had to go to the bathroom once the movie let out, and as she waited on the benches, a kind woman came up to her and comforted her.
But when the news started dropping "Q this Q that" I said, "can you believe they're trying to label Sound of Freedom as conspiracy trash?" She couldn't understand why the news would attack the movie, which in her opinion, was completely apolitical.
So that's when I started asking, "well why would the media and liberal people attack this movie, when people like Trump and Fox are defending it?" She didn't know. And so that's when I explained what QAnon is, Q, and how it's connected to Epstein, HRC, Trump, etc. I told her, "Q seems to be a group of people anonymously posting how a centuries old elite group of people leverage child trafficking as a form of blackmail in order to control politicians, celebrities, media, and money. The effect is propaganda, endless wars, and a godless society. It's a continual power and finance grab. Q is an anonymous military entity focused on ending this once and for all. They seemed to have contacted Trump to be their public champion, as they get work behind the scenes to undo the corruption. The fact that Sound of Freedom Jim and Tim both love Trump, yet are hated by the media, and are ignored by Obama and Biden, only seem to confirm this."
I showed her some posts, some Q "coincidences" (like the McCain timing), and Madeleine Mccains kidnapper description looking like Podesta bros (she did know of that case). I never said whether I truly believe it or not (heck it took me half a year to even consider it might be real), but I did help her understand "what the media is talking about" and asking her why anyone would be anti-Sound of Freedom, and why Q would be a bad thing if it's an effort to take down chils trafficking and corrupt powerful entities.
All in all, she's not yet a pede like us, and I honestly don't expect her to remember even a quarter of what I showed her the last two nights, but I will say: thanks to Mike Rothschild, CNN, and Vox for introducing Q to my normies girlfriend 😂
Location was Bedminster, NJ (his Golf Club).