Something I found interesting. PDJT stressed the word PAUSE in his speech, searched and found this drop first of seven...#3524..Also, the part with PAUSE went on to talk about how "it will be much easier to do what has to be done". Drop has meme about when do trials for treason begin 🤔

Any convenient link to the speech in qusetion?
That was a shockingly playable telegram link. 🤣
The two big things I take from that:
He is almost explicitly calling Biden's term "the pause".
He says Biden will complete his term: "it will be four years".
Edit: also do you know the date/event this video is from?
Good, so maybe now we can drop the fantasy that he's somehow going to be reinstated in 2023, or some time prior to 2025?
Admit Jon Herold was wrong about that assumption in the Devolution series?
That's no slight against Devo or Jon, BTW. He's human. People can be wrong when speculating about future events. It doesn't tarnish or invalidate the rest of the Devolution canon.
Accept that the DOJ, Supreme Court, state legislatures and Congress have absolutely ZERO interest in addressing or even revealing just how blatantly and egregiously the 2020 election was stolen. They are all guilty of treason. The entire government must be suspended, and most of it canceled entirely.
We'll just have to see what happens.
Don’t forget about the good people on our side, like Justice Clarence Thomas…
What if devolution is the pause though? I don't see this invalidating the theory. Perhaps it even enforces it.
I think people want this to be over soon but we need to realize there is a slow moving process here and the evidence of it is all around us. It's creating remarkably low collateral damage for the scale of operation it is (not trying to minimize the loss of life in the special operation and other areas).
If Trump swoops in, the exposure of the corruption stops. The longer he stays out, the more we expose.
Pence took us down the hard path. Let's show the white hats we're strong and that they made the right choice.
I've been trying to find it, but no luck yet..