You Read It Here First: Joe Biden Will Step Down from Office After Sudden Medical Emergency Before Weak and Feckless Republicans Muster Up the Nerve to Impeach Him
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Still another 1.5 years
Blink of an eye in a political campaign.
I understand what you are saying that 1.5 years is a blink of an eye in a political campaign, but I don't understand how you consider it too late for someone else to jump in and grab the reins from Biden. Personally I want to see Biden punished for his criminal acts and not to have anything criminally dismissed against him if he doesn't end up running again. Hillary, if it is her, and she is not arrested when this treasonous fiasco settles then I, and I imagine a lot of other people, will be very unhappy.
How are we going to see Briben punished when that boob ISN'T EVEN BRIBEN?
Sometime I truly believe that. But other times he seems to be the idiot that I remember from the past, so maybe you are right.