They can't, for the same reason they take taxes out per paycheck instead of one lump sum: the numbers would hit home pretty damn hard.
500,000 kids a year? That's hard for a normie to fathom, or even believe.
A few hundred a paycheck? Meh... That's the govt for ya. They don't realize they're truly being robbed imperceptibly over time.
But... They see 1500 kids go missing EVEY DAY? That's like a medium sized high school.
The feds show up at your door once a year and tell you that you owe 20 grand each year? Hell naw. My kids tuition next year!
People would absolutely riot. Blood would spill.
Think about how much the left riots over their 'gibs' when they don't get what they 'think' is owed to them.
Now increase that a hundred-fold, and that will barely compare to the rage the common Normies will unleash when they finally gestalt what is literally being TAKEN from them.
It'll take most of us patriots keeping level heads just to keep the norms from turning this planet into a blood-ocean the likes of which would make the Countess Elizabeth Báthory squeamish.
They can't, for the same reason they take taxes out per paycheck instead of one lump sum: the numbers would hit home pretty damn hard.
500,000 kids a year? That's hard for a normie to fathom, or even believe.
A few hundred a paycheck? Meh... That's the govt for ya. They don't realize they're truly being robbed imperceptibly over time.
But... They see 1500 kids go missing EVEY DAY? That's like a medium sized high school.
The feds show up at your door once a year and tell you that you owe 20 grand each year? Hell naw. My kids tuition next year!
People would absolutely riot. Blood would spill.
Think about how much the left riots over their 'gibs' when they don't get what they 'think' is owed to them.
Now increase that a hundred-fold, and that will barely compare to the rage the common Normies will unleash when they finally gestalt what is literally being TAKEN from them.
It'll take most of us patriots keeping level heads just to keep the norms from turning this planet into a blood-ocean the likes of which would make the Countess Elizabeth Báthory squeamish.