This is really rich.... the nurses that turned their backs on their co workers and didn't stand up for them or with them over getting fired & forced out of careers are actually going on STRIKE because of STAFFING issues. And they have the absolute gall to want to be supported over this.
🔍 Notable
Not being able to strike means there's no union, and if there's no union then we are in the same boat we've been in for 50 years - the hospital dictates what we do for shit pay and unsafe conditions. I'm not really advocating for unions or strikes, but I do know that hospitals treat their nurses like garbage.
Yep, the hospitals did the bidding of the CDC, government and Big Pharma. In tipurn they were rewarded for killing patients and firing employees who refused an untried, unproven safe, EUA shot mandated by the above. I want full disclosure of who in governmental agencies and hospital execs submitted to the Covid shot.
Hint…probably any of them that remained employed after all the chaos. Any executive that kept their job most definitely submitted.
I don't know where you live, but where I live nurses are paid very well, and have great benefits. I also know that's not true everywhere. But going out on strike has serious and harmful consequences for the patients, so I stand by my comment.
Fair enough. ps I live in Texas, some of the worst nurse pay in the country.
I'm in the Northeast. Nurses are well paid here. My sister in law lives in Virginia and makes about half of what I was making.
We've had some strikes here in Texas, in Austin. The main issue is staffing ratios.