I realized this after I stopped going to doctors. I'm disabled with multiple health issues. I'm doing so much better with herbs and supplements. Good diet and exercise. And, anytime I need an answer for a particular issue...God puts it in front of me. Whether I run across an article or someone is placed in my life with the answer.
I truly believe there's so much out there that we don't know about, in regards to healing and Mother Nature.
God gave us everything we would ever need, lots of knowledge lost over the generations...especially with genocides-native americans, those branded as witches..the natural healers...
I had a strained groin muscle and with some ice, rest and lots of fatty bacon consumption I am back to normal. Doing a lot of of heavy lifting forced me to evaluate the type of foods I need to heal faster and properly.
Our bodies are capable of healing if we dedicate the proper time and nutrients.
I realized this after I stopped going to doctors. I'm disabled with multiple health issues. I'm doing so much better with herbs and supplements. Good diet and exercise. And, anytime I need an answer for a particular issue...God puts it in front of me. Whether I run across an article or someone is placed in my life with the answer.
I truly believe there's so much out there that we don't know about, in regards to healing and Mother Nature.
God gave us everything we would ever need, lots of knowledge lost over the generations...especially with genocides-native americans, those branded as witches..the natural healers...
I had a strained groin muscle and with some ice, rest and lots of fatty bacon consumption I am back to normal. Doing a lot of of heavy lifting forced me to evaluate the type of foods I need to heal faster and properly.
Our bodies are capable of healing if we dedicate the proper time and nutrients.