😡🤬😡🤬 You just can't make this up and the sheep all must have IQs below 80 to not see through this. All that flouride, psych meds, and higher education have produced some real idiots!
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸

All you can do is, plant those seeds in hopes that one day, something will come up that makes them pause, that seed will be there for them to grow a new thought process off of. I never try to force any of it onto loved ones and friends, I do put in "my unassuming 2c" just for that reason, when the truth does come around and is undeniable, they have the info, rather they refused to acknowledge it at the time given to them or not. It softens the blow to them, and that is a good thing for a person to be not blindsided but, enlightened.
Good strategy. I did that with my adopted kids. I told them details when they were too young to grasp it (3 yo and 4 yo). That way, when they really understood later, they wouldnt be as devastated. In between those two times, I didn't touch on it too much because I wanted them to feel secure that they had a mommy.
I did the same with Santa. Haha. I always told them Santa was NOT real and that Jesus IS real. But I happily explained that Santa is part of a really fun game we play at Christmas time. They still insisted on believing in him, but had no shock or loss when they understood. I didn't want them to think I was lying about Jesus being real, so I thought I better not lie about Santa. Haha.