We are watching a movie? I like to try to guess what happens in the next scene.
I pulled together a bunch of GAW posts to paint the picture.
Mikessaggyballs (lol) posted this from Entheos earlier:
Reading through the comments I didn't see anyone discus what Entheos was trying to say.
I ask, is he using Samuel Norton to symbolize Joe Biden?
Entheos then says "Sad".
SIDs is sudden infant death syndrome.
SAD is sudden adult death syndrome.
We have seen all these mainstream media puppets falling out on TV.
Have they have been setting up the scenario where Joe Biden to fall over dead on live TV?
This would definitely break open mass public awareness of vaccines death dilemma.
We watched Joe Biden get multiple covid vaccines. Quickly reading through some article it looks as though he took 2 vaccines early and then a couple boosters afterwards.
If the deep state wanted to make the impeachment and Hunter's criminal trial to go away, wouldn't it be easy enough to have Joe drop of his chair in the middle of a press conference?
At the same time it opens the door for white hats to open the conversation that pharmaceutical companies were trying to kill us.
This scenario would stop the impeachment and hide the evidence used for the impeachment inquiry. Then, what if, Hunter Biden decides to commit suicide? Being depressed about his father's demise, struggling with the "conditions of his release", he couldn't handle the pressure. Suicide weekend?
Condition of Release: (No drugs or alcohol, drug testing, find a real job.)
Rudy Giuliani telling us the "House of Cards is coming down"
And then this Q drop that came just prior to the one above.
Stay safe my frens!!!
We're watching a movie, alright. I think it's all of the James Bond movies rolled into one. Think about it, the Cabal (SPECTRE), virus to wipe out humanity (Moonraker), media mogul trying to start wars so he can control the world (Tomorrow Never Dies), assassination attempt on billionaire (The World is Not Enough), submarines (The Spy Who Loved Me)... the list goes on and on.
The big question is, where is our James Bond to fix this mess?
"The big question is, where is our James Bond to fix this mess?"
Trump, Donald Trump. I'll have a diet Coke -- stirred, not shaken.
Even if the Aliens landed on my front lawn, unless they shooting their laser's "AT ME"...
My attention ain't wavering for one f'ing second!
Congress is recessing until sometime in September and then they have to deal with the debt ceiling. It may be coming but the fat lady did not sing yet.
Here's some more ammo:
Oops!! Potato SLIPS AGAIN on LIVE TV as Peter DOOCY DRILLS into him about the WAR in UKRAINE
Potato: "Let Me Start Off With TWO Words: Made In America!"
Potato - The word that defines America
Potato: "End of quote". "Repeat the line".
Potato fell off bike on seeing this little girl in a butterfly halter top and mini skirt. Goes straight for little girl after standing. What a pedo. Can't behave with cameras rolling. Keeps looking at her. Doesn’t look her parents are around.
Little girl: https://media.communities.win/post/U45ntTRvXYYo.jpeg
I doubt Biden will get Impeached. You have the pantywaist GOP is backing away from any impeachment talk. "GOP senators say the party is better off focused on how to improve Americans’ lives in the future instead of fighting messy battles to settle past political scores." https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4119381-senate-republicans-see-biden-impeachment-as-fraught-with-risk/