Agreed. And the moniker you have used is how he henceforth should forever be known and referred to, because it is just so damn hilariously befitting of the guy who reckoned he’d got everyone and everything worked out - psychobabble, hypnosis, persuasion, snide cartoon comedy - yet fell for the biggest, most devastating and blatantly obvious scam and omnishambles clusterfuck malicious attack vector in the history of the world because he’s such an uber normie deeply wedded to a system that exists only as a figment of his febrile imagination. I say this as a once devoted fan boy who spent many a buck and hour on his books, podcasts etc. Yeah, what a schmuck I was.
I'm still very apprehensive toward Clot Adams
Agreed. Not a fan
Are you and air conditioner then ?
Kek good stuff right here haha. God bless u fren. Much love
🤦♂️ Walked into that one
Agreed. And the moniker you have used is how he henceforth should forever be known and referred to, because it is just so damn hilariously befitting of the guy who reckoned he’d got everyone and everything worked out - psychobabble, hypnosis, persuasion, snide cartoon comedy - yet fell for the biggest, most devastating and blatantly obvious scam and omnishambles clusterfuck malicious attack vector in the history of the world because he’s such an uber normie deeply wedded to a system that exists only as a figment of his febrile imagination. I say this as a once devoted fan boy who spent many a buck and hour on his books, podcasts etc. Yeah, what a schmuck I was.
He's an independent thinker, and I don't always agree with him. But he has some good insights, and sometimes excellent insights.