179 Is there a secret war by "persuasion wizards" happening now, and is the “captured alien ships” narrative part of it? (threadreaderapp.com) - N C S W I C - posted 1 year ago by Kimball_Kinnison 1 year ago by Kimball_Kinnison +181 / -2 Thread by @ScottAdamsSays on Thread Reader App @ScottAdamsSays: I sometimes see the world as a secret battle among persuasion wizards, sort of like the movie Underworld, in which the vampires and werewolves are waging a war that humans don't notice. By this filt...… 60 comments share 60 comments share save hide report block hide replies
It'd be foolish to assume only leftists are susceptible to suggestion.
Their sheer enthusiasm for going along with the narrative and authority is unrivaled though
Depends. When Trump was the authority, they resisted. What is an authority to them is as fluid as they believe gender is.
But they “resist” in a way where they worship whatever their authority says. So Trump is supposedly illegitimate, unscientific, too outside the normal bounds. Meanwhile Andrew Cuomo and Anthony Fauci are glorified gods.
No doubt.