This is an open question I don't have a definite answer only suspicions. But historical precedent and general trends in how corruption in government is handled and managed for popular consumption causes me to suspect the possibility this is all just throwing Hunter out to us as a "central casting role" to give the people proof that Something's Being Done. Whereas this could just be nothing more than an elaborate exit strategy for Joe and the 2024 race.
The amount of attention, investigation, and public disclosure happening concerning Hunter right now is remarkable, but there's also something about it that feels highly managed and deliberate. Consider the stark contrast to getting nothing at all wrt the whole Epstein nexxus. In fact it is also in stark contrast to the rest of the criminal connections of the Biden crime family, which is far and deep (does anyone have Ryan Dawson's Biden Crime family poster? Its huge).
So all that to say, I think its wise to pay more attention what is not being done, what everyone is silent on, than what appears to be getting done.
I realize that sounds Doomer since it could mean that what we often think are incoming BOOMs are actually more of the "Look Here, Not There" type strategy. But such is war against a civilian population that's partially waking up.
There's something fishy about the whole HB "character" - to me anyway. My spidey sense is tingling...I can't quite put my finger on it though. Does anyone else feel that way? Let me es splain:
HB, from what we've all seen so far, is a scumbag. If for nothing else, banging his brother's widow would have been enough to write him out of most decent families. But then you've got the grooming of the niece (and incest), the gun that got chucked in the trash, the crack smoking...(cue Billy Mays) but that's not all - you've got the laptop from hell - showing horrendous CP activity, the hookers, the "Hussein" daughter(s) and that poor dog, massive amounts of illicit drugs and other nefarious things... Aside from all that, you've got burisma, you've got the CCP and other foreign activities, including the pay to play stuff...
Now remember, this dude is a bonifide crackhead who also does coke and probably pops pills...Add all these activities up and it seems to me that this guy is a serious overachiever for a drug addict. I mean, what are the chances? How is every single facet of his life total debauchery and he hasn't keeled over yet? Or some other situation that any of us would encounter if we did just ONE of the things on his list.
I can't help but think that he's been turned for a long long time and his exposure is completely deliberate... albeit WAY over the top (by white hats?) In order to really drive the point home that these people are rotten through and through. I just seems a bit heavy handed/lacking finesse, if that is the least that's what my spidey sense is telling me.
What do y'all think about that? Do you think it's a bit overdone? Do you think that's by design so even the normiest of the normies would get it?
I think real Hunter is long gone and we are watching an actor in a movie. That's my take, anyway. So he's definitely working with the white hats just like fake Joe!