THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID. Or, are they? These people are intelligent, perhaps, but, they live in an ever-shrinking and increasingly uncomfortable FAKE information space where there's no 'research' or 'digging' going on... there's only talking points. That space is collapsing, and collapsing quickly!
🧠These paid shills are stupid!

“The Bidens” did not do anything — Hunter Biden,
who was an adult, saw a chance to SMOKE CRACK with whores
and took it, almost certainly over his father’s objections.
Hunter shouldn’t have done it. But it had no impact
on US policy, and it’s on him not his dad.
“The Bidens” did not do anything — Hunter Biden,
who was an adult, saw a chance to RAPE CHILDREN on video
and took it, almost certainly over his father’s objections.
Hunter shouldn’t have done it. But it had no impact
on US policy, and it’s on him not his dad.
“The Bidens” did not do anything — Hunter Biden,
who was an adult, saw a chance to SNORT BLOW in the WhiteHouse
and took it, almost certainly over his father’s objections.
Hunter shouldn’t have done it. But it had no impact
on US policy, and it’s on him not his dad.
“The Bidens” did not do anything — Hunter Biden,
who was an adult, saw a chance to MOLEST HIS NIECE
and took it, almost certainly over his father’s objections.
Hunter shouldn’t have done it. But it had no impact
on US policy, and it’s on him not his dad.
“The Bidens” did not do anything — Hunter Biden,
who was an adult, saw a chance to PLOW HIS SISTER-in-LAW
and took it, almost certainly over his father’s objections.
Hunter shouldn’t have done it. But it had no impact
on US policy, and it’s on him not his dad.
This is fun! Here’s a template for you to make your very own Hunter dindonuffin post: just fill in the blank!
“The Bidens” did not do anything — Hunter Biden,
who was an adult, saw a chance to [ ____________ ]
and took it, almost certainly over his father’s objections.
Hunter shouldn’t have done it. But it had no impact
on US policy, and it’s on him not his dad.
Have you seen that Hillary/Comey video? One hundred and ten emails? I'll find it. That would be great music for these meme sentences.
I like this! Here, let me try one…
“The Bidens” did not do anything — Hunter Biden, who was an adult, saw a chance to make money and earn prestige by coordinating and selling access to his father (then Vice President to Obama) with a small 10% cut, and took it, almost certainly over his father’s objections.
Hunter shouldn’t have done it.
But it had no impact on US policy, and it’s on him not his dad.