The last time we had an ice free Arctic, it was the Late Cretaceous and the average temperatures were 45+ degrees higher. Dinosaurs ran through Antarctica's subtropical jungles. Kerry and all these "Climate Experts" are gigantic lying faggots.
The lack of reason and logical thinking skills of the ACCR folks is almost beyond comprehension. (Anthropogenic Climate Change Retard) We do allow them to mix fact with fiction, which every good lie has a combination of. Yes, the Climate can and does change over a very long period of time, but NO, humans and industrialization is not capable of causing climate change. It is subtle, but very important to always talk about the difference between natural climate changes and anthropogenic climate change.
The usual "answer" of the True Believer lefties is "Well, it just hasn't happened yet, that's all. It's gonna happen, just you wait and see, you Climate Denier!)
This morning on the news, the weather guy was talking about this being the hottest July on record (records of course going back only 200 years). He says we'll have the hottest year on record, and "this is because of global warming, get used to it."
Then he presents the 10 day forecast, and announces every one of the next ten days will be well below average.
The last time we had an ice free Arctic, it was the Late Cretaceous and the average temperatures were 45+ degrees higher. Dinosaurs ran through Antarctica's subtropical jungles. Kerry and all these "Climate Experts" are gigantic lying faggots.
Gigantic lying faggots. I need to remember this one for future use.
me too. I can already see a gigantic lying faggot somewhere posted in our evolution history book 2025
He probably believes it. They think boys can become girls, too.
The lack of reason and logical thinking skills of the ACCR folks is almost beyond comprehension. (Anthropogenic Climate Change Retard) We do allow them to mix fact with fiction, which every good lie has a combination of. Yes, the Climate can and does change over a very long period of time, but NO, humans and industrialization is not capable of causing climate change. It is subtle, but very important to always talk about the difference between natural climate changes and anthropogenic climate change.
I had a PhD of education tell me that California is much hotter now than 50 years ago. SMH
The sheeple have no memory. Dumb as a rock!
All they’re missing is the messy hair and loin cloth
If only his wife didn't sell her plane, he could go take a look.
The usual "answer" of the True Believer lefties is "Well, it just hasn't happened yet, that's all. It's gonna happen, just you wait and see, you Climate Denier!)
If there is any global warming going on it is not man made or from C02, it is because of this:
This morning on the news, the weather guy was talking about this being the hottest July on record (records of course going back only 200 years). He says we'll have the hottest year on record, and "this is because of global warming, get used to it."
Then he presents the 10 day forecast, and announces every one of the next ten days will be well below average.