Just stating the facts that income taxes were instituted to pay for the Civil War and that they weren't actually enacted until after 1913. Just being precise. Some folks may not know history very well and your statement may have made people believe that income taxes are only around because Lincoln instituted them. Between when the Civil War tax expired and the 1913 Constitutional Congress, I think the government began to like the money to spend and tried several times to bring them back, the Supreme Court struck it down every time until they had it ratified in the 16th Amendment.
Just stating the facts that income taxes were instituted to pay for the Civil War and that they weren't actually enacted until after 1913. Just being precise. Some folks may not know history very well and your statement may have made people believe that income taxes are only around because Lincoln instituted them. Between when the Civil War tax expired and the 1913 Constitutional Congress, I think the government began to like the money to spend and tried several times to bring them back, the Supreme Court struck it down every time until they had it ratified in the 16th Amendment.
Understood. Thanks for the clarification.