In looking at a recent GAW post it struck me that the logo/ profile picture for the 4th PSYOP Group resembles the sign language character for…
GAW Post -
I noticed that when I saw it, too. I'd thought it was a computer screen (on the side in the control room where they're all looking at the big screen), not a signal lamp, but in any case the flashing seemed like Morse code. (It does look more like a lamp now that I look more closely).
Anon u/jackrotten also made note of it in the following post, though I don't think anyone has decoded it as yet.
u/farpointpatriot - if you (or anyone else who sees this and is so inclined) choose to decode it and come up with anything interesting, please let us know. Consider doing a post on it, for that matter, if it's something really good.