“ conducted by high school students, under the supervision of FDA scientists, at the FDA's White Oak Campus Maryland lab”
This stinks to high hell like a “planted fake”’to make truth warriors look like clowns.
LOL, I feel you fren, but that would be the biggest head fake of all time. We are good. I assure you, I have done much ‘hand -wringing’ over this as well. If that does happen, then it was inevitable anyway.
Some of you anons a smart as fuk.
Now THAT is interesting. Thanks anon!
There is only one study I found about zeolite. It was pretty positive to the efficacy of zeolite to flush heavy metals. Long low sauna sweating does the same. Thats been proven by multiple studies.
I stuck to it for about a week. The texture of the borax was too much for me. I do 3 day water only fasts every 2-3 months and that is a game changer. It sux big time, but holy cow do I ever feel like a million bucks afterward. Also, as an interesting phenomenon (probably unique to me), by day 3 I could smell images 😂
Correct. Never will not ever fuking be anything except Ft Bragg
Mine love scraps. Their favorite food however/also is …. Eggs. Yes, thats correct. Anytime I drop an egg and it breaks open in their coop they are on it like little velociraptors. Shell and all.
Nice try handshake. If you knew how to read, you would know that the “investigator” was a 3d party, non-governmental agent hired by the Demonrats. She previously worked for ActBlue. That bullshit was a wrap-up smear campaign. Not to worry handshake, I did the work for you.
Next time read what you post.
Came down to say this as well. Even if the threat is genuine, 55-60% of the country are gonna tell the other 40-45% to fuck right off. No more bullshit attempts on the life of Liberty. She is not well as it is. I for one am damned sure gonna be exceedingly vocal this time. Might even have to earn me one of them mug shots and what not 😂. Civil disobedience is about to be fashionable.
Same here. This is getting scary. We here know how evil those monsters are. I would not be shocked if there was a thermonuclear event off the east coast.
We need to demand better psyops. This is insulting.
I think You are over the target.
THANK YOU! I called bullshit the minute all this came out. The story and circumstances around this are all complete bullshit.
I am 100% with you. This whole story stinks to high hell.
Nope. Our state constitution does not have recall provisions. We fucked ourselves. Mitch was a great Senator. Now he is just a finger puppet.
Degrass tyson is a fucking clown. He is the perfect metaphore for what science is now ... anyone that steps out on the herd gets culled. That is in fact, ANTI-SCIENCE. He is a gatekeeper for the fucksticks holding science advancements from us.
That would be awesome except he married Huma Abedeen. Hildawgs favorite finger puppet.
This graphic is incorrect. PornHub is 100% banned in Kentucky.