US credit score downgraded, inflation at it's highest in years, interest rates at highest point in 26 years. And this is your president.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸

While I agree he couldn't care less about the average American, the left said the same thing about Trump when he went to play golf during some hard issues for the country.
There are times you just need to step back to get a different view of what you are facing.
Granted this looks more like a Weekend at Bernies photo & could be a type of Comm that his presidency is dead?
except the country was not collapsing when Trump was President
Meme's like this are exactly what move the needle in the Normie brain.
That and a lot of good negotiating gets done over a game of golf. The same cannot be said for naps
I will need to try this on some more left leaning friends. Every conservative in my personal circle can't stand Biden & except for my father they all want Trump again (glad to have been raised to think rationally).
Dad will come around. Starting to doubt DeSantis.