I was curious and ran some rough numbers earlier. A C130 can carry 42,000 pounds. A bar of gold weighs 27.4 pounds. So that is about 1532 bars per airplane full. Multiply that by 650 planes and that is 996,360 bars of gold. Multiply that by 400 troy ounces per bar of gold and that’s 398,540,146 ounces of gold. Multiply that by $2,000 per ounce and that is $797,080,291,970. So almost a trillion dollars. And not even 1/30 of the US debt. Good thing we went bankrupt for good! If that gets shared with the people that is $2379 per citizen. Or $6,217 per taxpayer. ☹️. BUT that sounds real light for a cargo plane. I thought C-130s were cargo beast but apparently they’re not. Other military cargo planes can carry up to 460,000 pounds so we could add a zero to all those numbers above and that might be more realistic.
15,320 bars per plane.
9,966,300 total bars.
3,985,401,460 ounces of gold. $7,970,802,919,700.
1/3 of the US debt.
Good thing we went bankrupt for good! $23,790 per citizen.
$60,217 per taxpayer.
Holy crap! She lays it all out there... 650 planes of gold?!?!?
How much gold is that?
I was curious and ran some rough numbers earlier. A C130 can carry 42,000 pounds. A bar of gold weighs 27.4 pounds. So that is about 1532 bars per airplane full. Multiply that by 650 planes and that is 996,360 bars of gold. Multiply that by 400 troy ounces per bar of gold and that’s 398,540,146 ounces of gold. Multiply that by $2,000 per ounce and that is $797,080,291,970. So almost a trillion dollars. And not even 1/30 of the US debt. Good thing we went bankrupt for good! If that gets shared with the people that is $2379 per citizen. Or $6,217 per taxpayer. ☹️. BUT that sounds real light for a cargo plane. I thought C-130s were cargo beast but apparently they’re not. Other military cargo planes can carry up to 460,000 pounds so we could add a zero to all those numbers above and that might be more realistic.
15,320 bars per plane. 9,966,300 total bars. 3,985,401,460 ounces of gold. $7,970,802,919,700. 1/3 of the US debt. Good thing we went bankrupt for good! $23,790 per citizen. $60,217 per taxpayer.
When did the Vatican go dark (aka lights out for a period of time) that caused all sorts of rumors?