Speaking of which, I should’ve clarified.. when I tell people about sugars, I tell them it’s all sweeteners, natural and artificial. Blank NPC stares. “But the TV told us diet soda is better.”
Same. I can't believe I used to eat a pint of ice cream every night. Then I went on a pixy stix kick where I was driving around to all the dollar stores buying them all out. I was particularly fond of the blue straws. I was never fat in the traditional sense, sure I could have lost a few pounds. And when I cut all that out, that's exactly what I did.
Good point.
Speaking of which, I should’ve clarified.. when I tell people about sugars, I tell them it’s all sweeteners, natural and artificial. Blank NPC stares. “But the TV told us diet soda is better.”
Yes! This!
It's an addiction and they will fight tooth and nail to continue getting their fix.
I know this because I'm addicted to sugars and sweeteners. Eating carnivore is the best thing I've ever done for myself.
Same. I can't believe I used to eat a pint of ice cream every night. Then I went on a pixy stix kick where I was driving around to all the dollar stores buying them all out. I was particularly fond of the blue straws. I was never fat in the traditional sense, sure I could have lost a few pounds. And when I cut all that out, that's exactly what I did.