I've seen Trump call for the Fed to take over D.C. several times this year(as recent as this week according to Posobiec). I have been wondering if this would satisfy the condition listed in 11.3 End of Occupation.
Belligerent occupation ends when the Occupying Power no longer has effectively placed the occupied territory under its control. 83 For example, an uprising by the local population may prevent the Occupying Power from actually enforcing its authority over occupied territory. Similarly, the Occupying Power’s expulsion or complete withdrawal from the territory would also suffice because the former Occupying Power generally would not be able to control sufficiently the occupied territory
Question is if the Fed taking over D.C. would count as "Occupying Power’s expulsion"
Maybe it could but the plan won't be executed that way so this might be Trump doing a little trolling?
Yes, my apologies, my question/post was mostly rhetorical. I'll try to be more clear in the future.
No worries, just double checking! I agree with you - maybe this will expose things for the normies. If it's on Fox News, it must be true!