Personally, I think there is something to what Jan Halper says… I think Jordan gets a little too hung up on the particulars, but what do you think about his analysis??:
Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes also mentioned in the interview that she “sits on a Department of Defense task force”. I dug into this and could find nothing on the internet to show that she does in fact sit on a D.O.D. task force. She may, but she also may not. I want more proof than just words. I could not completely write her off though, as she did sit on Trump’s transition team in 2016, and this one is provable.
Read a lot more here:
There is a pretty solid argument Republican State Legislators don’t like the fact he was going after their benefactors, Big Pharma.
Also, is it really a surprise the Establishment hates a guy who defeated a Bush to win his current term? A guy who successfully blocked mail in ballots in Texas for the 2020 election which, in turn, blocked the DS illusion Texas turned blue? A guy who challenged the steal with a lawsuit that should have prevailed?