Certainly you have at least 4 Blessings = Christ+ your soul+mind+body.
Too you are clothed & housed & have hopefully-healthy food to eat, & a phone = 4π more.
Aside these do you have family & friends to love π who also love you?
Feel free to Add more of your blessings here as doing so Cheers you up & may well do the same for others. In case you need a few ideas https://communities.win/c/Christianity/p/12hRjA3s9B/colossians-267-the-thankful-life/c 100's included there 2 years ago.
I pray you each are richly blessed today & every day so together π we can All Praise God
I hear you. I loved that show and the Waltons too. Anything that concerns the past was a much simpler way of life. I 'might' miss the Internet, but I thought I would miss my 'cellphone' too that I had when I worked from 4pm to 4am every day. It wasn't safe for a woman to travel alone at that time of morning and have a flat tire or engine trouble. But I haven't missed my cell phone and I probably wouldn't miss the Internet either. You probably wouldn't either. If you don't mind me asking, what country were you from? I know you are a proud American as we all are and that you are fighting your best to help Make America Great Again. We are in this together and the way it's looking, we might get this crap straightened out for our grandchildren. So keep up the good fight and we'll all come out winners. Thanks friend.
Honestly, I used a ' cell-phone ' for 3 years only, because it was required for my last position in Health-care because of the dangerous situations we were Assigned to function in = I asked Jesus daily to protect me because the office didn't care if any Staff in the field died. Increasing their Profit was their only interest. As soon as I had New roof paid for, I stopped. And haven't used a cell-phone since. However (except for christianity-Clubs), I do find the internet helpful...
Germany, east-part when it existed.
No matter what evil befell me, I have lived to Praise God. And thus, mostly I live with Jesus peaceful & content & hopeful... that I am Blessed to live until Jesus Returns to Rule over HIS kingdom here on earth for it will be truly π Heaven --- until then MAGA will do π
Amen my friend. I agree with Jesus return and until then MAGA will do. Praise God you made it from Germany or I wouldn't have gotten the chance to know you. God bless and have a wonderful weekend.
God bless + have a wonderful weekend, too π