No bans my friend. I know viruses are real, yet there are pedes here who insist there is no such thing. Moon landings real or hoax? Good or bad Jews/Muslims? Religious? Atheist?
These things are trivial. Tons of opinions and beliefs here.
I think as long as someone wants what is great for America, they love Trump, and are curious about Q (or find the 'coincidences' hard to rationalize) they are welcome here.
All pepes and pedes are in unison about freedom. That's what is all about, really.
We want to be free men, not slaves. Now, and in the future.
Religious subject is trival? Fren, it is the only important thing. Everything else falls 2nd place. Christ is King. There’s a reason why Trump believes and carries a Bible. Why the Q posts reference God and Ephesians 6:10.
This is spiritual warfare more than anything else.
Well it isn't trivial to the religious obviously, any more or less than differing opinions on models of cosmology are trivial to theoretical physicists.
If the steady state theory is correct, Hinduism is the true religion, jews are great, mediums are evil, the moon landing was fake, do I care about any of it if I am a slave?
If instead Jesus is king, big bang is false, jews are bad, Muslims are 'meh', moon landings are real, do I care about that, if I am a slave?
If there's no god/s, viruses aren't real, big bang is real, jews control tv, Muslims are cool, and the moon landings were fake at first and later really happened, do I care if I am a slave?
No. I care about freedom.
I hope every freedom living patriot, whether atheist, good Christian, flawed catholic, jew, Muslim, flat earther, mom hoaxer, and even the scientist who purposes the "big bagel theory".-i hope the ones who desire freedom for themselves and others earn freedom and stay free.
Remember what Morpheus said: people are blinded from the truth, that they are slaves.
My friend, you’re on this board. Q hasn’t posted about anything other than Biblical material from the Bible. Trump has talked about God and Jesus.
The enemy of this world worships Lucifer from the Bible. The DeepState is tied directly to Satanic rituals not any other religious group but that of the Bible’s described evil. The media attacks Christianity, the Bible and Jesus Christ.
Being a critical thinker you really should piece these together and realize why the enemy gathers behind Satan. Why Q posts from the Bible. Why Trump talks about God and Jesus. There is only one religion and only one God.
💯 with you. God is our creator and there are a lot of us that have seen a lot about God and Jesus angels etc. I am the witness of miracles and I thank God for looking this simple person (me). Without God we as humans don’t have meaning. We are part of God. God bless.
While I appreciate your passion and respect your belief, I have a somewhat different worldview. As far as one religion and only one God, I've been told the same thing but my middle eastern patriots (we have one at the 'night job').
We both want freedom, right? I think it's great that you have sincere religious beliefs. I view religion differently than you, but that doesn't offend me, hope it doesn't offend you.
And that's not a criticism, as the most amazing things are built with tools. I find its usually progressive liberals who expect me to think and believe we they do. Patriots, pedes, and pepes seem to respect one another's differences, while working towards similar goals. That's why I am here.
Religion doesn't mean much to me or affect me one way or the other (I'm not anti theism, more apatheist) besides where I see it being used as a tool.
Q communications use Bible references so the majority of the base understands. If I were running the predictive algorithms and sharing info, it is the same thing I would do. I'm fact, it Is what I do. Look at my name...
I hope you find happiness and fulfillment in the things you believe. Sincerely!
Peace and prosperity to you and yours, fellow patriot.
No bans my friend. I know viruses are real, yet there are pedes here who insist there is no such thing. Moon landings real or hoax? Good or bad Jews/Muslims? Religious? Atheist?
These things are trivial. Tons of opinions and beliefs here.
I think as long as someone wants what is great for America, they love Trump, and are curious about Q (or find the 'coincidences' hard to rationalize) they are welcome here.
All pepes and pedes are in unison about freedom. That's what is all about, really.
We want to be free men, not slaves. Now, and in the future.
Religious subject is trival? Fren, it is the only important thing. Everything else falls 2nd place. Christ is King. There’s a reason why Trump believes and carries a Bible. Why the Q posts reference God and Ephesians 6:10.
This is spiritual warfare more than anything else.
Well it isn't trivial to the religious obviously, any more or less than differing opinions on models of cosmology are trivial to theoretical physicists.
If the steady state theory is correct, Hinduism is the true religion, jews are great, mediums are evil, the moon landing was fake, do I care about any of it if I am a slave?
If instead Jesus is king, big bang is false, jews are bad, Muslims are 'meh', moon landings are real, do I care about that, if I am a slave?
If there's no god/s, viruses aren't real, big bang is real, jews control tv, Muslims are cool, and the moon landings were fake at first and later really happened, do I care if I am a slave?
No. I care about freedom.
I hope every freedom living patriot, whether atheist, good Christian, flawed catholic, jew, Muslim, flat earther, mom hoaxer, and even the scientist who purposes the "big bagel theory".-i hope the ones who desire freedom for themselves and others earn freedom and stay free.
Remember what Morpheus said: people are blinded from the truth, that they are slaves.
My friend, you’re on this board. Q hasn’t posted about anything other than Biblical material from the Bible. Trump has talked about God and Jesus.
The enemy of this world worships Lucifer from the Bible. The DeepState is tied directly to Satanic rituals not any other religious group but that of the Bible’s described evil. The media attacks Christianity, the Bible and Jesus Christ.
Being a critical thinker you really should piece these together and realize why the enemy gathers behind Satan. Why Q posts from the Bible. Why Trump talks about God and Jesus. There is only one religion and only one God.
💯 with you. God is our creator and there are a lot of us that have seen a lot about God and Jesus angels etc. I am the witness of miracles and I thank God for looking this simple person (me). Without God we as humans don’t have meaning. We are part of God. God bless.
When anyone smashes their fingers in a car door, which name do they curse.
While I appreciate your passion and respect your belief, I have a somewhat different worldview. As far as one religion and only one God, I've been told the same thing but my middle eastern patriots (we have one at the 'night job').
We both want freedom, right? I think it's great that you have sincere religious beliefs. I view religion differently than you, but that doesn't offend me, hope it doesn't offend you.
And that's not a criticism, as the most amazing things are built with tools. I find its usually progressive liberals who expect me to think and believe we they do. Patriots, pedes, and pepes seem to respect one another's differences, while working towards similar goals. That's why I am here.
Religion doesn't mean much to me or affect me one way or the other (I'm not anti theism, more apatheist) besides where I see it being used as a tool.
Q communications use Bible references so the majority of the base understands. If I were running the predictive algorithms and sharing info, it is the same thing I would do. I'm fact, it Is what I do. Look at my name...
I hope you find happiness and fulfillment in the things you believe. Sincerely!
Peace and prosperity to you and yours, fellow patriot.