Looks like you deleted the comment that caused a lot of contraversy (specifically whether it implies you had personal knowledge of their family). Cant really help you there, but:
What is the purpose of Sticky a post of Sincere Inquiry here?
Don't specifically know for this post, but in general since this is a research board, anything worth digging into is stickied so Anons can get their collective noggin's going.
Usually when an adult does Not understand what was asked or commented, a Reasonable adult will ASK for clarification so conversation can proceed. Not in this post. Instead : Why are OP-questions & responses Downvoted to -4 ?, HOW is that even remotely "helping" ??
If people downvoted your comments, it usually means they didnt consider your comment sincere (amongst other things). You have to ask the people who downvoted why they did it. However, looking at other comments, I am sure you can surmise the reason if you are open to it.
Downvotes do not define you. So don't let it bother you. Downvotes can even mean you brough up a really controversial point, and people are thrashing it out. This is ultimately good for the board.
I have self-deleted me which is ridiculous, because it defeats the reason for Why I asked this post in the 1st. place.
You shouldn't have.
When due to Respondents ego, no Courteous conversations here are possible, what other Internet sites do you suggest?
If any respondent breaks the sidebar rules, you can deport them. Other than that, you just have to learn to coexist with people who might greatly disagree with you.
You have to ask the people who downvoted why they did it.
As you know, unless a poster honestly admits "Downvoting every 1 of your responses" as was done here, there's no way to know, so why did you say to ask specific dividuals?
Looking at other comments, I am sure you can surmise the reason if you are open to it.
The why was obvious immediately = guys miss-interpreted/miss-read my statement, which I then tried to clarify by specifically explaining that NO true Christian lady & in her Right mind, would ever be a satanist. --- And that this refers to myself, & other Christian ladies who as well live like I do".
If any guy even remotely cared to understand, they easily can do so, Or they can bother to ask for clarification. None did.
So what they taught in this post here : an OP does not matter , only their buddies... do, as evidenced by their +32 upvotes, while OP's missunderstood comments are downvoted to -6. ---> Thus the message clearly is : do NOT think to ask any questions here, & if you dare to comment you will Instantly be taught you are Not welcome.
Downvotes do not define you. So don't let it bother you.
Having spent my primary childhood in Europe, when sent to USA obviously I was never a 'normie', for even as a young teen the differences in primary lifestyle facets were stark. Shortly I was enlisted to spend 40 years in acute medicine Awakening... others. Increasingly with the USA in a drowning mess, I ventured here for just 2 questions, testing waters as it were for others who I know still living as normies who hate social media. --- I thought If it goes well here, I would Invite them to GAW (not to be downvoted into oblivion), but rather be further Awakened.
Just stating a fact. No one can explain why someone else downvoted. So no point asking us.
do NOT think to ask any questions here
Your question was never an honest question, but rather an opinion veiled as a question. That is the root cause of all the downvotes.
I would Invite them to GAW (not to be downvoted into oblivion), but rather be further Awakened.
Don't invite anyone who you think will get offended by downvotes.
And while you can keep arguing with me all you want, I do believe I have answered all your questions as best as I can. If you dont like the answers you hear, I can't really help.
Your question was never an honest question, but rather an opinion veiled as a question. That is the root cause of all the downvotes.
Never heard that before. -- And It's well known that religious deception/corruption predates all others, so with Dave's repeated statements of Trump saying how "deep, far & wide" corruption is , thus how to connect them came across confused?. -- But to point blank judge that my question was "never an honest question", what was your thought process?
Looks like you deleted the comment that caused a lot of contraversy (specifically whether it implies you had personal knowledge of their family). Cant really help you there, but:
Don't specifically know for this post, but in general since this is a research board, anything worth digging into is stickied so Anons can get their collective noggin's going.
If people downvoted your comments, it usually means they didnt consider your comment sincere (amongst other things). You have to ask the people who downvoted why they did it. However, looking at other comments, I am sure you can surmise the reason if you are open to it.
Downvotes do not define you. So don't let it bother you. Downvotes can even mean you brough up a really controversial point, and people are thrashing it out. This is ultimately good for the board.
You shouldn't have.
If any respondent breaks the sidebar rules, you can deport them. Other than that, you just have to learn to coexist with people who might greatly disagree with you.
Thanks for your response. Allow me to respond re
As you know, unless a poster honestly admits "Downvoting every 1 of your responses" as was done here, there's no way to know, so why did you say to ask specific dividuals?
The why was obvious immediately = guys miss-interpreted/miss-read my statement, which I then tried to clarify by specifically explaining that NO true Christian lady & in her Right mind, would ever be a satanist. --- And that this refers to myself, & other Christian ladies who as well live like I do".
If any guy even remotely cared to understand, they easily can do so, Or they can bother to ask for clarification. None did.
So what they taught in this post here : an OP does not matter , only their buddies... do, as evidenced by their +32 upvotes, while OP's missunderstood comments are downvoted to -6. ---> Thus the message clearly is : do NOT think to ask any questions here, & if you dare to comment you will Instantly be taught you are Not welcome.
Having spent my primary childhood in Europe, when sent to USA obviously I was never a 'normie', for even as a young teen the differences in primary lifestyle facets were stark. Shortly I was enlisted to spend 40 years in acute medicine Awakening... others. Increasingly with the USA in a drowning mess, I ventured here for just 2 questions, testing waters as it were for others who I know still living as normies who hate social media. --- I thought If it goes well here, I would Invite them to GAW (not to be downvoted into oblivion), but rather be further Awakened.
Just stating a fact. No one can explain why someone else downvoted. So no point asking us.
Your question was never an honest question, but rather an opinion veiled as a question. That is the root cause of all the downvotes.
Don't invite anyone who you think will get offended by downvotes.
And while you can keep arguing with me all you want, I do believe I have answered all your questions as best as I can. If you dont like the answers you hear, I can't really help.
Never heard that before. -- And It's well known that religious deception/corruption predates all others, so with Dave's repeated statements of Trump saying how "deep, far & wide" corruption is , thus how to connect them came across confused?. -- But to point blank judge that my question was "never an honest question", what was your thought process?