Undeniable fact: the jab was at best INEFFECTIVE. It did not work. Did not stop infection, did not stop transmission. Effectiveness was clearly not tested, was safety tested the same way, or at all?
As I said, I am not talking about anything but the magnetic claim. If someone makes a retarded claim as a serious one you have to see everything they say as retarded.
Undeniable fact: the jab was at best INEFFECTIVE. It did not work. Did not stop infection, did not stop transmission. Effectiveness was clearly not tested, was safety tested the same way, or at all?
As I said, I am not talking about anything but the magnetic claim. If someone makes a retarded claim as a serious one you have to see everything they say as retarded.
Question everything... But also think about the things going on today that were impossible only a decade ago.
K, great, meanwhile, this stupid bitch is claiming the shots magnetized people...
Did the jabs work? No.
Did the jabs magnetize people's blood? Also no... also retarded. So either she is retarded or she is a plant.