More of a conclusion than a theory really...
If 80% of the Pfizer vax in EU was saltwater it is likely that varying percentages of the other 'vaccines' also were saline.
Boosters would be an easy way of maximizing vaccine saturation even if most of it is being intercepted and replaced by whitehats, which sorta makes me wonder if just like with the first shot, specific areas/demographics and countries were preferentially targeted when it came to the boosters(and possibly differently so than the first jab and based on observed spread/effect with choices and priorities being determined based on it).
I most people that got the first one and it being saline causing them no ill effects would be likely to get the 1st booster, and that this tendency would be likely to repeat at least a few times for most of the ones that didn't have any major/immediate negative effects...
Intelligence is in part genetic and just as I have the brains to nope out of the vax my mother also thankfully quickly noped out of the whole vax based on the simple fact that something that was made in a few months that is usually tested for years to prove that it is safe was not worth the risk(her immune system is also like mine, feel something on day one, 'sick' day 2 and it lessening by the end of that day with basically being ok on day 3 and this only happening at most 2-3 times pr decade...)
She does however know a lot of people and people taking the second and third booster have certainly been heard by her on more than one occasion.............
Was some stuff about Pfizer admitting that 80% of their vax in Europe was saline, posted here a few weeks ago...
Sooooo, the governments pay pharma for salt water and pharma makes Billions?
Would this be something called FRAUD? Would working with other companies and working with and thru many agencies, including government agencies, imply RICO violations?
oh boy, PLEASE let this be true
it would be such poetic justice
☝️This will be their undoing.
Dr. Robert Malone, who worked on mRNA tech in the beginning, said that it is extremely expensive so that makes it unlikely that billions of doses were produced.