will come out Obummer is gay and Michael is Michelle...these "alternative lifestyles" have been shoved in our faces ad nauseum for this very lessen the shock of the "big reveal"...those in the know have known the truth for years and truthfully could care less what choices these self absorbed, lying pedophiles make in their private life...just leave the children alone...these people are degenerate minions of hell...promoting ungodly values and the wanton destruction of America... will come out Obummer is gay and Michael is Michelle...these "alternative lifestyles" have been shoved in our faces ad nauseum for this very lessen the shock of the "big reveal"...those in the know have known the truth for years and truthfully could care less what choices these self absorbed, lying pedophiles make in their private life...just leave the children alone...these people are degenerate minions of hell...promoting ungodly values and the wanton destruction of America...
I like it in the ass.
Username checks out.
sorry, that's a little more honest than the letter was, and definitely more straightforward.