Rubber ignites at 600-700 degrees, but burns much, much hotter ( over 2000 degrees )
DEW is a PSYOP to distract, divide and confuse and worst of all, ignore the murder of hundreds of people and the destruction of our beautiful country.
Occam's Razor >> It's ARSON
Accompanying Post:
Direct Energy weapons exist. They were first deployed in the military in 2014. You can bet when we hear about technology the DOD has they are already 50 years ahead of what they tell us. Whether they have been used to start fires doesn't really matter, but they do exist:
This is the kind of comment that is typical of GAW's low-effort crowd. "Directed energy weapons exist" and then "SOURCE" (PDF everyone has to read).
Researchers are very familiar with this report. Here is a summary of this report (not the "Limitations" section):
Directed energy weapons use concentrated electromagnetic energy rather than kinetic energy to incapacitate targets. The two main types are high-energy lasers (HELs) and high-powered microwaves (HPMs).
HELs emit a precise laser beam that can heat up and damage targets. They can engage aerial targets like drones and missiles, and surface targets like boats. HPMs emit wide beams of microwave radiation to disrupt electronics.
Battlespace: DE weapons have line-of-sight limitations and are impacted by weather and atmospheric conditions. HELs work best at shorter ranges under clear conditions. HPMs can cover wider areas but shorter ranges than HELs.
Targets: Potential targets include enemy sensors, communications, drones, missiles, artillery, vehicles, aircraft, and watercraft. At close range they may be able to damage ground targets, but long-range ground attack is difficult. How they work: HELs focus a high-energy laser beam on a target, heating it up to damage or destroy it. HPMs bombard targets with high-powered microwave beams that overload and fry electronics.
Advantages: Precise, low cost per shot, deep magazines if sufficient power, gradual effects from warning to destroying targets.
Limitations: Range and effectiveness limited by line-of-sight, weather conditions, beam diffraction over distance. Large power and cooling needs restrict mobility.
In summary, DE weapons utilize directed energy rather than kinetics, with each type having strengths against certain targets, especially at shorter ranges. Their limitations prevent long-range ground attack but they offer counter-air/missile/drone capabilities.
Interesting, but look at what is on Maui Island too:
“The AFRL Directed Energy Directorate operates two major telescope sites that are used to advance SSA technologies. One of these sites is located on Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, and the other site is located on Maui, Hawaii. The Maui site is called the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site.”