EPA Authorizes Release of 2 Billion More GMO Mosquitoes as Reports of Malaria Surface in States That Already Released Them
Locally acquired malaria has been nonexistent in the U.S. for the last 20 years. But five such cases have recently been diagnosed — four in Florida and one in Texas — the only two states that have released genetically engineered mosquitoes.
My zapper is zapping away!
That reminds me, I need to replace the bait.
they were always gonna try, but God wins
Like we don't have enough of the damn things NATURALLY! It's really bad this year in FL.
What if they give everyone Ivermectin for malaria, and the one's that had cancer, their cancer goes away.🤷
HTF are these people that think this is right? FAFO we’re starting to get pissed
Is your message in code here or what???
🤣 I think it is a lil codey looking.
We're passed the point where we should have started to get pissed by a number of decades
I still don’t understand why the F they want to add to the already horrific mosquito population , what is the reasoning? I missed that memo ! I know whatever their reason is it’s nuts , are the normies ok with this , has their been any backlash about it ? Does anyone know ?
Probably to keep us locked in our homes like covid19.🤬
You "don't understand why"?? Have you not been paying attention?
Bill Gates. Fact. Hydrochlorqine - answer
Scare tactic of the moment. Last week it was leprosy in FL. Anyone remember the Ebola scare. How many of you caught that?
I;d like to know what Desantis thinks about this?
Wonder if any were released in Bill Gates neighborhood.