My wife is Hispanic and often engages in conversation with other Hispanics. She was having a garage sale this week, and she was talking with some illegals from Mexico that showed up. They are complaining that illegals El Salvador and other central America countries keep coming and coming and coming. One said she has been working in USA for 15 years and used to be able to work 7 days a week at Wendy's, but due to the new arrivals, she can only work a few hours two or three days a week.
Today, some new arrivals from El Salvador arrived at my wife's garage sale. They arrived to USA with nothing but the shirts off their backs and were hoping for some free clothing or whatever.
In any case, this doesn't seem like it is going to end well for anyone in this country in the end.
Disagree: carving out exceptions like that is a slippery slope. It starts with a good-sounding cause like any other entitlement program, and ends up with people seeking asylum because they're gay/abused/anything else the ink & paper allows.
I don't dispute that there are wonderful hard-working and freedom-loving Cubans. And Armenians, and Chinese, and Iranians. But the permission, incentives and subsidies they have been given to come here fulfills the Kalergi plan just as surely as mass immigration, albeit more slowly.