These charges like those that preceded them are a whole lot of nothing intended to bring an air of legitimacy for the sound bite American, too complacent to actually think on their own.
Exactly why we are digital soldiers. We spread the laughing and the outrage, we point at them and laugh while we show that everything they accuse Trump of doing, they are explicitly guilty of many times over.
These charges like those that preceded them are a whole lot of nothing intended to bring an air of legitimacy for the sound bite American, too complacent to actually think on their own.
but it works so what do we do? how do we counter without MSM control?
It works less and less. Their power is a fraction of what it was in 2015.
Exactly why we are digital soldiers. We spread the laughing and the outrage, we point at them and laugh while we show that everything they accuse Trump of doing, they are explicitly guilty of many times over.
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