The music of the 60's and 70's pushed by the CIA and Tavistock Institute had achieved the cabal's goals at the time to create division between young people and their parents' values. But it ended up backfiring in the long run. It planted a rebellious streak in many generations, which made them naturally suspicious of institutions, corporations, and government. That caused them to value free speech over everything. The fact that recent generations have reversed course on free speech is mind numbing.
I just started learning about the mud flood too. Michelle Gibson is a great source.
The music of the 60's and 70's pushed by the CIA and Tavistock Institute had achieved the cabal's goals at the time to create division between young people and their parents' values. But it ended up backfiring in the long run. It planted a rebellious streak in many generations, which made them naturally suspicious of institutions, corporations, and government. That caused them to value free speech over everything. The fact that recent generations have reversed course on free speech is mind numbing.
I just started learning about the mud flood too. Michelle Gibson is a great source.
You brought a smile to my face. I didn‘t know about the distrust/rebellion but I wondered as that was a lot of the music.
Just checked and been subb‘d to Michelle Gibson but thx for the mention.
Back to music, evil loses in the end, so it‘s all good.
Btw - you know this beautiful song? Blowing up and touching millions. Many teactionary videos on it. Rich man north of Richmond